Live Action Undercover 'Sting' Targeting Four Women's Advocacy Groups

Oct 15, 2012 23:02

An anti-abortion activist group notorious for its undercover "sting" operations on Planned Parenthood is currently attempting a similar secret investigation of the family planning provider and at least three other progressive advocacy groups, Planned Parenthood told The Huffington Post on Monday.

Can Live Action just stop already? )

oh not this shit again, donations, mitt romney, planned parenthood, politics, abortion, hoaxes

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Comments 5

rkt October 16 2012, 04:00:57 UTC
so tired of this bearing false witnesses.


nepthys_12 October 16 2012, 04:35:15 UTC
God damn, pro lifers suck. Instead of investing time, energy and I assume money into these stings maybe they would actually work to help women i.e. better access to food, clothing, healthcare, employment.Oh wait that would be too much like right and they wouldn't be able to show they're "righteous" by "exposing" Planned Parenthood.


paksenarrion2 October 16 2012, 06:08:29 UTC
Fuck Live Action and fuck pro-lifers.

Spend less time worrying about abortions and more time on sex eduction and providing better access to birth control-including make it lower cost or even free. And for fuck's sake, stop spreading lies about how Federal Funds are paying for abortions.


fortunaestcaeca October 18 2012, 00:11:00 UTC
I'm pretty sure Live Action is against birth control.


paksenarrion2 October 18 2012, 00:34:51 UTC
I looked through their website (and boy was that nauseating) and I don't see specifically where they come right out and talk about being against birth control. I mean they all but paint PP as an abortion factory-as if that is all they do. OTOH, after sifting through that site, it wouldn't surprise me if they were against birth control either. :(


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