Obama Outsmarts Netanyahu, Avoids Crisis. Romney Takes Full Credit, "That Was My Idea!"

Sep 28, 2012 22:12

Mitt Romney Outsources His Brain, Just Like His Heart.

Obama Plays Netanyahu Like a Fiddle, Romney Follows Behind

Obama and Netanyahu talked today, and agreed that Iran shouldn’t have nuclear weapons. Romney raised his hand to announce that he also talked to Netanyahu, but can’t tell us what was said and then reiterated Obama’s Iran policy as his own ( Read more... )

election 2012, barack obama, nuclear weapons, foreign policy, iran, mitt romney, benjamin netanyahu, israel, islam, politics, nuclear energy, elections, polls

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Comments 28

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layweed September 29 2012, 05:22:55 UTC
He's a...chama-leon.


nesmith September 29 2012, 06:55:23 UTC
He really is a CEO through and through; soulless empty-suited businessman with nothing else to prop him up. Jesus, if he wins this country really will be just one big Corporation (if it isn't already).


zinnia_rose September 29 2012, 06:12:13 UTC
It's OUTSOURCING, you guys, not being an asshat!!! Duh.


pluckedflowers September 29 2012, 06:22:27 UTC
Gotta love so-called progressives cheering for the fact that Obama is strangling the Iranian economy more enthusiastically than Bush.


What would you suggest be done? deltalitprof September 29 2012, 11:47:35 UTC
Do you doubt that Iran is pursuing nuclear weapons? Even if Iran is pursuing the ability to run a nuclear power plant, do you really think it would be run responsibily? Surely either eventuality is due a response other than doing nothing and other than bombings.


agentsculder September 29 2012, 13:47:21 UTC
I agree that the sanctions on Iran are terrible for the Iranian people, who are are largely blameless for their government's policies. However, I'd rather have the world enforce sanctions on Iran than start a war as a way to change their government's policies. The fault here lies with the Iranian government which has been told time and time again that pursuit of any kind of nuclear technology will not be tolerated. If they would reverse course and allow inspections the sanctions would be lifted.


hey_spectrum September 29 2012, 21:44:40 UTC
What would you prefer we do? Nothing until Iran has the capability to start making demands we have no choice but to comply with? I see where you're coming from but if the government is playing stupid games sometimes pedestrians get caught in the cross fire. It sucks but it's what we have to do to keep ourselves out of the line of fire. For example, I don't have ill will against the citizens of Israel but I think their govt needs to be dealt with. Citizens may be hurt in the process and that sucks but sometimes ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


moonbladem September 29 2012, 07:31:27 UTC
Mitt Romney will, it seems, say anything to anyone to get them to like him, including parroting the President on Iran, the auto bailout, and the poor even as his policies do the exact opposite. Mitt Romney is like a silly puppy chasing Obama, yapping criticism the entire time - even as he copies Obama’s words. This truly has to be an epic embarrassment for establishment Republicans, if indeed they have any pride left.Wow Romney really has no shame. He'll say whatever he thinks will get him elected, even if it means flip-flopping on his various stances from 5 minutes ago. I guess it all depends on the time of day, the direction the wind is blowing, the weather or the polls, to see where he's at with the different issues at any given time. OMG he's truly a weasel ( ... )


emofordino September 30 2012, 00:27:58 UTC
yeah, i definitely agree with everything you're saying. i hated the term "flip-flopper" when it first started being used to describe kerry because i don't necessarily think it's a bad thing to change your mind about something when you receive new information or gain a new perspective on an issue that changes your feelings about it, but in the mittens' case, you can tell that he's just saying whatever he has to in order to gain a vote.

at this point, we really have NO idea what he actually believes, because he has been on literally every side of every possible issue at one point or another, and it's pretty gross however you look at it. is he more liberal minded like when he was governor of massachusetts, or is he actually the conservative person he's trying to be today? either way he's lying to someone to pander to one party or the other. how anyone thinks he's a viable option is seriously deluded.


babysinclair September 30 2012, 01:22:37 UTC
I will defend Kerry's flip flopping so hard till the day I die. I actually got into a lot of fights over him because I couldn't stand how people were dismissing what he was flipping over.


atomic_joe2 September 29 2012, 08:21:25 UTC
I used to have a boss like this, he would say 'I did that' when anything good happened but was strangely silent when anything went wrong.


sfrlz September 29 2012, 16:09:54 UTC
That really is the worst kind of "leader" if you ask me.


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