Britain and Canada to have joint diplomatic missions overseas.

Sep 25, 2012 09:10

Britain is to establish joint diplomatic missions abroad with Canada, the Foreign Secretary William Hague will announce ( Read more... )

foreign policy, diplomacy, canada, uk

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Comments 5

lamardeuse September 26 2012, 01:55:24 UTC
"As David Cameron said when addressing the Canadian parliament last year: 'We are two nations, but under one Queen and united by one set of values'."

I hope we're also united by the desire to vote you Tory fuckers out come the next election.


romp September 26 2012, 03:19:10 UTC
I'm not sure I understand this. The Commonwealth countries will be roomies to share costs? Okay, I guess.


Why bother? papasha_mueller September 26 2012, 03:31:33 UTC
Britain has been outsourcing it's foreign policy since Tony Blair...


poetic_pixie_13 September 26 2012, 03:50:52 UTC
God, I hate the Tories, from whatever side of the ocean they come from.

'We are two nations, but under one Queen and united by one set of values'."

Yeeeeeeeeeeeah..... no.


octoberstarlite September 27 2012, 15:20:42 UTC
So Britain and Canada and eventally Aus/NZ will share out the embassy roles so people from commonwealth nations will have a place to go anywhere in the world because they all don't have them everywhere? idk, for once something from a tory party sort of makes sense I guess.


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