I was cheering and dancing when I saw the title. Then I realized BBC was doing it and groaned. There's a big chance if you're outside the UK, you won't be able to see it. That's happened with the past 3 festivals/concerts I have tried to watch associated with BBC. ;~;
Well hopefully we'll get to see it. I got to see about 15 minutes of Glasto until the "not available in your country" message popped up. If not, I will definitely will be figuring out a way to see it.:D
There used to be a site that would host some streams that were happening on BBC, but the site was shut down recently. : / I got to see a majority of Glasto, thank god... but it looks like I'm stuck on R&L.
Please for the love of God, someone tape over this and upload to Youtube. I mean, I'll be watching the stream anyway, but I want to watch this a million fucking times
Comments 9
Then I realized BBC was doing it and groaned.
There's a big chance if you're outside the UK, you won't be able to see it.
That's happened with the past 3 festivals/concerts I have tried to watch associated with BBC. ;~;
i've found streams for doctor who every weekend, though
I got to see about 15 minutes of Glasto until the "not available in your country" message popped up.
If not, I will definitely will be figuring out a way to see it.:D
Hopefully they'll show the Sunday one. :)
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