Take it to the Max

Jan 19, 2011 23:15

It should come as no surprise that Max Adler, who plays the closeted, self-hating Dave Karofsky on Glee, is nothing like his character. But so convincing is Adler's performance, that upon having the chance to interview him at the Fox Television Critics Association Party in Los Angeles last week (the same party attended by Darren Criss), my first instinct was to hide my green-colored cocktail lest Adler suddenly decide to hurl it in my face.

Fortunately, that wasn't necessary. Of course, Adler physically resembles Karofsky, although he's much more handsome in person, probably because he's not continuously scowling. But Adler's demeanor couldn't be any more different than the bully he plays. He's polite, self-effacing, charming and confident without any of Karofsky's arrogance or bluster.

It also turns out Adler can sing, which just might come into play when a certain, yet-to-be released song by Lady Gaga is performed on an upcoming episode of the hit Fox dramedy.

AfterElton used the unexpected opportunity to chat with Adler about his sudden rise to fame, the upcoming Super Bowl episode and much more!

AfterElton: Hey, Max. My name is Michael and I run a website called AfterElton.
Max Adler: I know AfterElton! Congratulations on that.

AE: Max congratulations to you. What has it been like to have the role of Dave Karofsky seemingly come out of nowhere and blow up to be this huge phenomenon?
MA: It’s been amazing, really. It has been a dream come true, I mean it has. It started off as this very minor role, you know, throwing slushees and doing the stereotypical bully kind of thing, and really I was just privileged that they gave me the opportunity to do it at a key time. I’m just hoping I can do it justice and do the role an honor. It’s one heck of a character to play.

AE: When did you actually first appear on Glee?
MA: I started the first season. It was like the eighth episode of the first season.

AE: Did you have any idea at that point what they had in store for you?
MA: I had no clue until the middle of this season, no. I had thought in my own head that something was up with this guy but it wasn’t confirmed, it wasn’t in the script until that episode.

AE: At what point did you realize how big this whole thing was getting? How obsessed people were with what was going on with Kurt and  Dave?
MA: I knew Glee had been a pretty big phenomenon by the time season two hit and right when the script came out for that episode was when all the bullying stuff was happening on Ellen, Anderson Cooper, and Larry King. You couldn’t turn on the TV without hearing about it.

So when I got that script I knew it was a pretty crucial moment in that it would probably mean a lot to a lot of people. After that episode aired, I got so much positive feedback from a lot of people thanking me for being brave enough to do it, to tackle it. It really struck a note with a lot of them. That’s when I kind of knew, when complete strangers take time to find me, seek me out, message me and thank me, I knew it had really affected some people in a positive way.

AE: Now we’re hearing some stuff about the Lady Gaga song…
MA: I’m hearing some stuff too.

AE: Well, spill the beans! What have you been hearing?
MA: The same thing you have been hearing. [laughs] I hear the new single, “Born This Way” has been cleared for Glee. I hear on episode 15 or 16 they will be using it, and I’m told it’s going to have a lot to do with Karofsky and dealing with him and his confusion and where he’s going to go.

I don’t know exactly what that is, but I’m looking forward to finding out 'cuz it’s been killing me to know what’s going to happen. I don’t know.

AE: Now is there any chance Mr. Karofsky has a good singing voice?
MA: There is a chance Dave does. There is a really good chance Dave does! There is a chance that the guy who portrays Dave was in show choir in high school.

AE: Now my Spidey senses are officially tingling! Beyond any particular Lady Gaga song, what else might Dave be singing?
MA: A lot. I’ve said before, a lot of crooner stuff. I really enjoy Michael Buble, Dean Martin, Sinatra, that’s kind of my forte, kind of what I love. If Dave has a chance to sing some kind of version of Lady Gaga it would blow my mind, let alone what the viewers think about it. It will be pretty neat.

E: Can you tell us what your character is doing in the Super Bowl episode? Is he in that one?
MA: He is in that one, actually quite a bit. He kind of goes back and forth a lot, tackling a lot of issues. He’s kind of on the fence about a lot. He’s very confused and he’s very worried about his secret getting out. So it’s a little more like he’s paranoid, you know? But there is a lot going on and he kind of ruffles some feathers in school so you’ll see what happens.

AE: Did Ryan talk with you about what a guy like Dave is going through and what’s going on in his head? What are you drawing off of to play the part?
MA: Yes, Ryan and I talked very briefly about the role. Thankfully, and I think it’s a testament to him, I think he trusts me to do what I’m doing with the character, which is one heck of a compliment from him. He’s like my idol. When I moved out here I just wanted to work with him and it has been amazing.

And as far as [what I’m] drawing on, all these messages I’m getting and people that tell me their life stories, I’m learning a lot from them. And watching guys like Gareth [Thomas], you know, the rugby player who just came out and listening to him talk, and listening to Portia de Rossi talk and Ricky Martin. I just watch real life people, that literally said they prayed to God that they would be straight and the last thing that they wanted was to be gay, and I feel like that’s actually what Karofsky is going through. It’s the last thing that he wants, but it’s there so I kind of draw on real situations.

AE: I’m always curious, what does it do to your head when you became an almost overnight success and everyone is talking about you? Is that hard to adapt to?
MA: It is kind of fun. It’s kind of like I always hoped this would happen from like the moment I moved out here, five years ago, that one day this would be happening. You play around in the mirror in your car and you hope that it happens and it became real, so in a way I guess I’ve always been prepared since I was five-years-old. Actually having it come true is literally just a dream. I just hope that it lasts because I’m going for longevity, fingers crossed.


episode 2x11, spoilers, actor: max adler, interview: cast

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