The whole Ryder Catfish thing--they never show who's his online friend. Please, let it be Unique. That could be an interesting storyline... oh wait. More useless people, right.
mte. I liked Santana in NYC last week, but if we get sidelined Rachel and Kurt with memory problems I'm not interested. And when do we get a NYC only episode?
on the one hand, it's realistic when you're going in for a major doctor's appt, it's good to bring someone with you because they'll probably absorb more than you will since you were just told something is wrong with your body so it's hard to answer questions and stuff
on the other hand, this is glee, so that's not the reason why.
Comments 15
Please, let it be Unique. That could be an interesting storyline... oh wait. More useless people, right.
( ... )
Lena Duhnam annoys me. Waiting for her to be over, tbh.
no1curr about Lima.
oh wait
when you're going in for a major doctor's appt, it's good to bring someone with you because they'll probably absorb more than you will since you were just told something is wrong with your body
so it's hard to answer questions and stuff
on the other hand, this is glee, so that's not the reason why.
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