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Comments 2

the4thjuliek July 1 2021, 14:58:58 UTC
I'm sad that Sancho's leaving. I wonder how good he'll be in the PL.

Low wants to make up with Ozil: "Mesut leaving the National Team without consulting me beforehand was a great human disappointment for me. The time will come when we will talk or meet again. At some point, the day will come when we will talk things out and put everything aside."

Honestly, he should have taken a cue from Bug Eyes and fucked off.


jazzypom July 1 2021, 16:34:43 UTC
I'm kinda surprised that Sancho is returning to the UK. There are many good reasons to stay in Germany especially with the UK trying to end up being the English speaking North Korea of Northern Europe. But he does have family in the UK, and English lads always seem to want to come back home.

Honestly, he should have taken a cue from Bug Eyes and fucked off. Löw has poured a lot of water in his beer over the years. Yikes.


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