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Comments 3

lied_ohne_worte October 29 2016, 12:06:44 UTC
(referring to that Ronaldo image)

Please retweet or fave if you would like me to recreate? https://t.co/ryLN32dCFc
- Peter Crouch (@petercrouch) 28. Oktober 2016

And a reporter who I guess didn't look at the nominee list that closely asked Wenger in the press conference about Özil's Ballon d'or nomination. And Wenger did a whole thing about how Özil was a great player, but individual awards aren't a priority etc., clearly not having looked at the list and seen that Özil isn't nominated either.


funhouse October 29 2016, 12:14:27 UTC
The King does have nice breasts tbh... My pubescent self would envy them


meliadoul October 29 2016, 14:21:59 UTC
Ronaldo can do many things but sexy is not one of them.


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