does he have a career in management or analysis??

Apr 26, 2016 19:25

Fans, friends and followers of football ( Read more... )

philipp lahm

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Comments 6

minervasolo April 27 2016, 07:07:56 UTC
We had hail and snow yesterday. Last week the park was full of shirtless guys and ice cream vans. I mean, April is traditionally unsettled, but this year is trying to win at "just take your whole wardrobe to work, you'll need every item in it before five anyway".


the4thjuliek April 27 2016, 11:03:52 UTC
IKR? I've been looking forward to warmer temperatures for months and it only seems to be getting colder :(


marsyke April 27 2016, 08:52:59 UTC

He really is something else. Mr Lahm. He'll probably write another text about enjoying the Euros as a fan.


the4thjuliek April 27 2016, 11:05:11 UTC
I love you, Lahmpoleon, but that was droll. Personally, I think he could have a future career in both.

Also, Gladbach, pls.


lady_teazle April 27 2016, 14:42:14 UTC
I've joined the lousy weather brigade. Yesterday 80+ F, today in the 50's.

Philipp, I love your captainly efforts at outreach to the little people. :D It would be a hoot if he did a fan journal at Euro 2016.


connorblond April 27 2016, 21:12:07 UTC
As Müller said - they (meaning Lahm and Schweinsteiger) will do the work, I will do the talking.


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