So, it was the last one. The Final. It was Germany vs. Lionel Messi (+10 other guys).
The last time either of these teams were in the final of a World Cup was in 1990 (against each other). Germany won. And these two teams have had a long history. Let's take a brief look at it, shall we?
Some fond memories ahead )
Comments 34
But it's delish. Don't move it.
Bug Eyed Baron <3
It's just Angie goes to so many games, it's hard to keep track!
Hah, Maradona. That was a well-deserved goal from Müller. Although I can't help but think that current-day Müller would probably have said something... let's say, interesting, possibly Bavarian, in that situation rather than meekly trotted off.
I remember that 1990 game; I was eight. Klinsmann had a real talent for falling decoratively - it's not as overdone as with Robben (who else could fall like Robben, after all), but it's still very artistic. I guess it's the hair (there, Robben cannot compete), and the way he lay on the floor as if struck by lightning.
And god, I hate hearing reports of Messi crying after a match. :( He's always so hard on himself.
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They should have kept that tradition.
Stromae did a music vid with our team. Too bad the boys didn't have to sing.
I doubt that it will ever look as dated as the German 1990 one does only 24 years later. The best one can say about that one is that the 1974 may well be worse.
This seems to be a live performance. It's really bad.
At least the studio version has been manipulated until it is on-key.
Beckenbauer is very serious about it all, too. In the 1990 one you can see which players are embarrassed even while they're doing it.
Also, Bastian is looking roughh
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Also, Prince Arne <3
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