HAI guys. Last year, for Christmas, we had that Secret Santa thingimajig wherein we all made online gifts (in the form of picspams, mixtapes, fanfic, icons, and anything and everything else, see the win for yourself at
ontdfb_santa ), anonymously, for another lj user, put them all up for show, and then revealed who made what? It was fun and the level of creativity put into it was awesome. Well, I was wondering if you guys wanted to do it again? :D If so, do say, so I have a rough idea for numbers, and then will ask some questions etc and then allocate people to make the presents for. I welcome absolutely everyone, the only thing that I ask is that once you've committed, you do actually do your present. Not to sound like a bell, but I had to make three on Christmas eve last night because people forgot. Apart from that, it's all good. COOL.