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Comments 3

effervescent December 25 2013, 02:48:36 UTC
I still think this is disgusting. I keep seeing people saying that this is a tricky situation, but it's really, REALLY not because she had a DNR/extraordinary measures order, and on top of that the husband isn't even in favour of this! This is basically the state saying that she's an incubator.

(I do think that this is something that women might want to consider when it comes to extraordinary measure orders, whether they want exceptions listed, but I think the default should be that if they don't say? The paperwork that's been signed fucking stands.)


widgets101 December 25 2013, 03:15:13 UTC
Actually according to what I read she didn't have a DNR but even if she had it wouldn't have made any difference because Texas law says a DNR is void if a woman is pregnant. It's a horrible law.


effervescent December 25 2013, 03:24:46 UTC
Yeah, I couldn't think of the name of what she'd signed (and missed that it's right in the article, haha.) Either way it's ridiculous and horrible.


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