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Comments 8

trickseybird November 20 2013, 01:37:19 UTC
really interesting read


roseofjuly November 20 2013, 03:00:04 UTC
Great example of both intersectionality and how "positive" stereotypes can be really detrimental.


nagasasu November 20 2013, 03:54:31 UTC
I’m not fat -- by American standards. I am considered slightly chubby for an Asian in China.
And America too . America's images of Asian women are very monolithic in their weight. IDK, there's something odd going on when I have to preface with, "I'm curvy for being Asian." Because if I say average + Asian people assume I'm slender. There's just something very weird about that to me.


bishieaddict November 20 2013, 04:10:09 UTC
Yeah...I'm Asian and can lose a more than a few pounds. It's more noticeable because I'm short. I realize I'm never going to be as skinny as those Asian celebrities, but I like food too much to care.
I am glad I don't live where my parents came from - there are a lot of diet pills and they are obsessed with weight. I'd probably be bullied (but then, I might be like these girls and won't eat anything either because of the cultural difference).


(The comment has been removed)

fluorescenta November 21 2013, 03:33:46 UTC
you don't have to answer, but I'm just curious how tall you are?

and wow, I can't imagine my doctor saying that over ~4.4 lbs?!


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