Plan B Often Denied To Girls In Low-Income Areas, New Study Reports

Jan 26, 2012 00:14

The highest teen pregnancy rates in the U.S. are in low-income areas, and a surprising new study finds that in these communities, teens also have the most difficulty accessing emergency contraception. Researchers found that pharmacists in low-income areas frequently deny 17-year-old girls access to Plan B ( Read more... )

teenagers, birth control

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Comments 5

yeats January 26 2012, 19:14:40 UTC
ugh why am i not surprised.

also, this is semi-ot, but i've been really inspired by all the stories of people who volunteer to accompany women to pp and other clinics....does anyone know how i'd go about getting involved in that?


Re: maynardsong January 27 2012, 00:21:25 UTC
You mean like escorting at the clinic? Standing outside the clinic and accompanying patients as they come in? In the DC metro area, there's WACDTF. If it's volunteering to drive patients to clinics, I'd gladly volunteer for this.


fortunaestcaeca January 27 2012, 04:27:32 UTC
I just emailed my "branch", if you will, of Planned Parenthood (like, my nearest one is in Bryan, TX, and it's part of Planned Parenthood Gulf Coast, so I emailed PPGC). Or you could try calling them. There aren't any other clinics here, so I can't really help you on that, but I'm sure just calling or emailing them would work.

The 40 Days of Harassment starts on February 22nd, so I imagine most of the clinics are desperate for volunteers. Usually the my local PP only uses volunteers on the ultrasound and abortion days, but during the 40 Days they try to have volunteers all day, every day that they are open.


yeats January 27 2012, 05:37:49 UTC
i don't have a car, but i'd love to help -- even if it's just walking people from their cars to the clinic. thanks for the advice!


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