Birth Control Pills … Or a Frappuccino?

Aug 05, 2011 14:17

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united states, global women's health, birth control, health

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Comments 31

keeni84 August 5 2011, 18:31:34 UTC
Does Bill O'Reilly think that women use the pill and then have sex right after?

I think he's lacking a fundamental understanding of how the pill works.


splitcomplex August 6 2011, 09:16:03 UTC
Pill goes in, baby doesn't come out. You can't explain that.


basepair August 6 2011, 13:35:04 UTC


whynotplay August 14 2011, 21:37:08 UTC
hahaha omg


danu_scathach August 5 2011, 19:05:23 UTC
Yeah my co-pay, and it's for a shitty generic is not $5. I wish. It's more like $20. This is after my insurance company stopped covering the name brand and didn't tell me - all within 1 months time - so I had to pay $60.

$5 co-pay - what fucking world is she living on? Not to mention that's only if you can afford insurance.


caerfrli August 6 2011, 23:34:15 UTC
Fox has a very good insurance plan


danu_scathach August 7 2011, 00:03:50 UTC
Yet I still doubt Fox's insurance plan covers birth control...


maynardsong August 7 2011, 06:09:13 UTC
It probably does though, conservative ladies are using birth control and can and do terminate pregnancies. It's just a case of "I got mine, screw you."


spyral_path August 5 2011, 19:33:52 UTC
So basically neither of them have any idea about how birth control works, how much co-payments are, or how much income the average woman has.


The worst part is they have no idea and they think they're right about this. No, wait, the worst part is millions of viewers are going to believe them.


supermishelle August 5 2011, 19:49:31 UTC
I've never willingly had sex ~*blasted out of my mind*~ so I don't know where he got that particular brand of information from.


supermishelle August 5 2011, 19:50:09 UTC
And copay for my birth control is $60. THAT'S A LOT OF FRAPPACHINOS.


factorywannabe August 5 2011, 21:16:26 UTC
Okay, Mr. O'Reilly, I must be a statistic that'll rock your world because I'm on BC while still a virgin! BC has actual medical value as it treats medical conditions like PCOS, which I have. My copay is ridiculous and sorry, I can't switch to that elusive $5 copay because not all birth controls are the same and won't treat my condition the same way.

With that said, birth control is designed to prevent pregnancy, yes, but women get so many benefits out of it that obviously some people (aka O'Reilly) don't know about. Your period improves, your skin can clear up, there are some links that say birth control usage can help prevent certain cancers. So yes, allowing women 100% access to BC is not going to ruin society and destroy the world, like it seems so many conservatives believe.


leahkatharina August 5 2011, 23:52:56 UTC
Hope this isn't out of line, but I was recently diagnosed with PCOS and I'm having a really hard time finding out information about it. If you could direct me to any websites, organization, forums, etc that might have any information whatsoever, I would really appreciate it.


factorywannabe August 6 2011, 01:03:10 UTC
of course!

One of the best things I can tell you is to not worry. PCOS is one of the most common reproductive issues with women. I suggest finding an endocrinologist that you like as they will treat you with BC and other meds, like spirnolactone. If you don't like the doctor or feel like they are trivializing your issues, then find someone better. Hope all of this helps you!


jiaren_shadow August 7 2011, 20:24:56 UTC
So yes, allowing women 100% access to BC is not going to ruin society and destroy the world, like it seems so many conservatives believe.

Whew. I was so worried that taking birth control primarily to alleviate painful period symptoms and make my periods come when they're supposed to would bring about the End Times.


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