This Day in History: 05/19

May 19, 2011 13:32

1536: Anne Boleyn Executed
1836: Cynthia Ann Parker is kidnapped
1864: Lincoln proposes equal treatment of soldier's dependents

Click here for the articles and the sources. )

this day in history

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Comments 2

mycenaes May 20 2011, 00:40:31 UTC
Obligatory icon is obligatory!

By the way, I like that you do these posts. :) I always learn something interesting and new.


dearbrains May 20 2011, 02:31:39 UTC
As a Wacoan and a Native American, I was really interested in Cynthia Ann Parker when I was younger. I've been to Fort Parker, which was really well built and is a registered historic place here in Texas. It is a little tourist-y with people giving tours and such. It was a State Park when I was younger, but I don't think it is anymore. I read this book numerous times and think other people in the comm might like it as well ( ... )


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