Children at risk from stepdads [trigger warning for discussion of child abuse]

May 08, 2011 11:13

In the wake of Serenity Scott-Dinnington's death, we examine the safety of children raised by men who are not their real fathers. Sarah Harvey reports.

BABY SERENITY Scott-Dinnington died from brain injuries sustained during a violent incident at her home in Ngaruawahia 10 days ago. She was just six months old.

Now child advocates say that ( Read more... )

parenting, !discussion post, children, australia/new zealand, oceania, child abuse/neglect, domestic violence, what kind of fuckery is this?

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Comments 42

terry_terrible May 8 2011, 00:22:26 UTC
This article is horrible. Blood relatives are just as likely to be abusers as non-blood relatives.


seasontoseason May 8 2011, 17:16:57 UTC


terry_terrible May 13 2011, 19:47:49 UTC
Sorry for the late reply, but yes, this has been my experience as DV survivor and in studies.


roseofjuly May 10 2011, 02:46:09 UTC
Can you show a citation to back that up? I do remember reading stats on this but I don't remember which way they went.


takamo May 8 2011, 01:13:24 UTC
This article is just.. I can't even.

As a woman who was raised by her grandmother for most of her life, this article is complete bullshit. There is just so much wrong with what they're saying.

Like Terry_Terrible said, blood relatives are just as likely to abuse. Just ask anyone around. Nevermind that it's basically stating that the mother -has- to stay single until the child moves out.

Parents have needs just as much as children do.


redikolous May 8 2011, 02:23:01 UTC
I'm not exactly stanning for this article, because yes, biological parents can do just as much damage, but can I ask that people don't emphasize how great their parents/stepparents/whoever are? Because that's not exactly helpful or relevant when we're talking about a certain kind of abuse.


katie_g_lynn May 8 2011, 05:59:16 UTC
Thanks for saying this.


stormqueen280 May 8 2011, 02:48:06 UTC
"biological fathers are 'virtually a guarantee the child won't die'."

Yeah, because no child in the world has ever been abused by their father.


katiemariie May 8 2011, 04:23:43 UTC
Some have gone as far as claiming that raising a child with its biological father "virtually guarantees the child won't die"

Apparently, I am immortal. Good to know.

I hate how this article shifts blame away from hegemonic masculinity as a whole. It's like saying, "Yes, many men commit acts of violence... But only those men. Over there. Not me."


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