Thailand Lesbians Push Boundaries, Become Chic

Apr 27, 2011 14:25

BANGKOK - When she initially pitched the idea for Thailand's first lesbian movie, it was quickly shot down. Producers called the premise distasteful and said movie viewers would find the story line disgusting ( Read more... )

media, lgbt

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Comments 15

farting_nora April 27 2011, 19:46:40 UTC
Please add a subject line


redikolous April 27 2011, 19:55:07 UTC
Okay! Sorry about that!


iolarah April 27 2011, 20:10:37 UTC
That's really cool that they're finding a way to make their own space!

I had to see the site: Some of the clothes are really cute. (and the girls too)


redikolous April 28 2011, 00:04:13 UTC
The girls are fine.

I want to see the movie though.


iolarah April 28 2011, 00:30:57 UTC
Yeah, it would be interesting to see the differences.


(The comment has been removed)

midoskeek April 27 2011, 22:06:23 UTC
Good for them. I was kind of confused about how fashion trends could promote tolerance of lesbians, but after reading the rest of the article, it makes sense. Also, I loled at "lesbian chic".


redikolous April 28 2011, 00:05:01 UTC
I wonder if they have a similar lesbian culture or not. I need to learn more.


youkiddinright April 28 2011, 00:30:08 UTC
Saratsawadee never anticipated a nationwide release for her film, which hit screens in December to considerable media hype and modest but profitable box office returns. Then came the 40,000-member Facebook fan club, the viewers who thanked her for telling their life story. Last month, she was honored with a "Best Director" nomination at the Thai equivalent of the Oscars.

This is fucking neat. I cannot start to imagine how relieved and happy Saratsawadee must have been.


sweetgingertea April 28 2011, 00:35:51 UTC
I think it is cool that lesbians in Thailand are finding a way to openly define themselves through fashion, and that that has sparked enough change to make a lesbian film more socially acceptable. Eastern culture has struck me as more traditional with a greater emphasis on family, so it seems it might make being gay harder there.


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