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Comments 5

nothingmuch April 4 2011, 02:26:43 UTC
about fucking time!


katie_g_lynn April 4 2011, 03:55:37 UTC
This is great to hear it actually being enforced. I can't believe how much time and money has been wasted on this ridiculous notion that being gay has anything to do with someone being able to do their job. It still terrifies me, though, to think of all the ways in which being found out would still be an issue in the military.


phoenix_anca April 4 2011, 08:02:30 UTC
A good step in the right direction. :D


redikolous April 4 2011, 12:18:51 UTC
This requires a dance!


hey_feygele April 4 2011, 20:28:06 UTC
It's a nice indicator of the changing times, but it's far from equality. One instance of a guy not getting fired does not indicate a policy of no longer firing gay servicewomen and men.

And even if they ever get around to actually implementing the DADT repeal, DOMA will still be throwing up all kinds of barriers against gays & lesbians to support their families. Same sex spouses will still be barred from receiving military benefits -- not just TriCare, but things like housing & relocation assistance that enable families to stay together.

It makes me sad because I've always had this secret desire to join the Air Force & become a flight nurse, but if the day ever comes where that's a remote possibility for me & my family situation, I will surely be too old to enlist.


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