"Straight Male Gamer" told to 'get over it' by BioWare

Mar 27, 2011 12:49

BioWare adopted a (sadly) very special and very principled stance in designing one of their recent games, Dragon Age 2. Their stance was simple: relationships are for everybody, whether gay, straight, or anything else in between. You can also have have more than one romance at a time with the game’s characters. In this game, everybody is equal. Too ( Read more... )

privilege, video games, pop culture, lgbt, homophobia, masculinities

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tamerterra March 29 2011, 16:10:36 UTC
I heard about the relationship options and tried it out, and now I've bought both Origins and 2. ^_^


streussal March 27 2011, 22:30:20 UTC
You can write it off as “political correctness” if you wish, but the truth is that privilege always lies with the majority. They’re so used to being catered to that they see the lack of catering as an imbalance. They don’t see anything wrong with having things set up to suit them, what’s everyone’s fuss all about? That’s the way it should be, any everyone else should be used to not getting what they want.

Yes. This is just so true in general.

If I was a gamer, this would definitely put them on my to play list. As is, I need to remember to link it to others.


roseofjuly March 27 2011, 22:38:36 UTC
It definitely made me look up the game, as well as to keep an eye out for BioWare games.


dazzlingsoup March 27 2011, 22:45:07 UTC
The first game is better than the second, in my opinion. However, I blame that on the turn around time of only 18 months to try and create a game as enchanting as the first one.
That being said, it is still an amazing game in comparison to other games out there and the all inclusive romance options made it that much sweeter for me. Plus it makes the idea of going back and replaying the game more enticing in order to see other romance options.


roseofjuly March 27 2011, 22:36:39 UTC
Sure, there are a substantial amount of women who play video games, but they're usually gamers who play games like The Sims, rather than games like Dragon Age.

Not only is this a blatant untruth (it's estimated that most online video game players are women now) but the stupidity of such a statement is astounding. It's even more astonishing combined with the fact that in the very next brush he warns BioWare about treating all straight male gamers the same. So it's okay to lump all women together into one group who plays the Sims (and this woman has never played the Sims) but not okay to believe that all straight white men would be okay with the option of a gay relationship? Uh-huh.

Also very amused by the lamenting of the fact that the video game crowd has diversified to the point that you can't say "straight male gamer" and have it be synonymous with "fan."


owl_eyes_4ever March 27 2011, 22:42:31 UTC
buongiornodaisy March 28 2011, 00:30:47 UTC
I also like how his wording makes it seem like being a fan with particular gameplay/story preferences is mutually exclusive from being a woman/gay/etc.


allelujah March 27 2011, 22:43:26 UTC
OW the privilege ...IT BURNS ARGH

Thank you David Gaider. I love Dragon Age and played it religiously for months. And now I play 2.


strikesoftly March 27 2011, 22:44:47 UTC
I'd been considering buying the Dragon Age games for a while, and when I saw this the other day I immediately put them on my to-buy list. It's so refreshing to see this kind of attitude in the gaming community. (Now if only I had money...)


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