Emily Browning and the MPAA.

Mar 24, 2011 01:57

Possible Trigger Warning: mentions of non-consensual sex.

Emily Browning was left fuming after her sex scene with Jon Hamm in Sucker Punch was axed from the upcoming action movie in a bid to please U.S. censors.

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pop culture, media, rape/sexual assault, movies, what kind of fuckery is this?, sex

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Comments 103

mapmakerscolors March 24 2011, 21:14:29 UTC
Well, if it looked like she was less into it/being forced then I guess cutting the scene altogether is the lesser of two evils. Doesn't change the fact that the MPAA is bullshit though. The fact that so much violence gets into movies unchecked while consensual sex scenes are scrutinized to death...smh.

On a shallow note, I wish my job involved making out with Jon Hamm.


danne_gerous March 24 2011, 21:15:04 UTC
I watched This Film Has Not Been Rated and they document problems that past films have had with the MPAA. I seem to remember they discussed a notable case between the MPAA and the film Boys Don't Cry that was similar.


katie_g_lynn March 25 2011, 00:41:37 UTC
Basically they found that movies that depict gay sex get X ratings while movies with heteronormative sex get R, even when they have the same degree of nudity, etc...Then movies that show women enjoying sex/orgasming/etc...tend to get worse ratings, too. It's so ridiculous. Consensual sex is too "sexy" for them, but rape, violence, and brutality are ok I guess. SMH.


cekaycutie March 25 2011, 20:18:50 UTC
exactly!! I also am pretty appalled with their attitude towards violence being shown in G-R movies, so that the movies for General Audiences/Kids are all "cartoon violence" and thus funny and look nothing bad happens!! While R movies show the reality of death and violence.... 'Save the Children they shouldn't know their actions could possibly hurt or kill someone!' SMH


silver_sandals March 26 2011, 03:05:59 UTC
Yes, I think I read the problem with that movie was the MPAA wanted to cut a consensual sex scene between a trans man and a cis woman but didn't have any problem with the rape scene :(

It's so messed up...


aubade_saudade March 24 2011, 21:15:07 UTC
...so they only allow young girls to watch sex if it's bad? o.O

wtaf. is it any wonder that some young girls interpret obsessive stalker fictional boyfriends as "passionate lovers"?


angstiosis March 24 2011, 22:06:15 UTC
Oh my fuck, you just made me spit out my water and give a big hearty laugh in the library.

brb, loling forever now.


midoskeek March 25 2011, 04:38:32 UTC
Would you say the same thing about BDSM?


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gertie_flirty March 24 2011, 21:22:49 UTC
As crappy as I think Sucker Punch is going to be, I do know the MPAA has been tyrannical at worst and inconsistent at best with their ratings.

Also, that movie is rated PG-13? I thought all the ridiculous violence would get it an R rating.

So the violence stays, but the sex scene gets cut. Yep, sounds like the MPAA to me.


butterbuns March 24 2011, 21:24:33 UTC
Pretty much all of this.


spitphyre March 25 2011, 00:21:32 UTC
Violence does not make anything an R rating. A film can be as violent as it wants to be so long as GORE isn't present. EXCESSIVE amounts of gore will make a film an R. Gore, nudity, and excessive cursing.

That being said, I hate Snyder and while I am happy he took out a scene that made a girl look disinterested I don't think he's exactly the poster child for how women should be treated.


dayswithbunnies March 25 2011, 21:59:57 UTC
That being said, I hate Snyder and while I am happy he took out a scene that made a girl look disinterested I don't think he's exactly the poster child for how women should be treated.

IA. The rape scene in Watchmen was handled repulsively.


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angstiosis March 24 2011, 22:07:21 UTC
It passes the Bechdel test, lol.

I like to go see movies because they're incredibly bad. Just saw Red Riding Hood. You can bet I'll be in theaters for this crap too.


owl_eyes_4ever March 24 2011, 22:55:32 UTC
angstiosis March 29 2011, 00:15:58 UTC
Terrible. It was like Twilight crossed over with a Dr. Who "who dun it" episode and featured lots of brown contacts. Gary Oldman's garb and nails were possibly the best thing about this movie. Very good if you like to hate on/laughingly critique movies all the way through.


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