Getting an attitude: Hot girls at Hopkins

Mar 22, 2011 13:46

trigger warning for misogyny, obviously

There are a few popular theories about why the hottest Hopkins girls develop such an attitude, and I think it's time to finally set the record straight. The basic premise of the theories is that, because there are so few attractive and socially active women here, those possessing both qualities are in such high demand they develop an air of superiority and can get away with it.

Before we get going, it's important to note that the more attractive guys at Hopkins develop the same, if not worse, attitude as the girls. It must also be said that there are striking examples of gorgeous and down-to-earth women here too, but like everywhere they're hard to come by.

So what's up with this attitude? These girls, walking around with their nose in the air and a 1000-yard glare in their eyes, certainly aren't making many friends. And to be honest, it just looks physically uncomfortable walking around campus with every muscle in their body clenched. I don't know if they're doing a Kegel or trying to tone their legs but it just looks painful and unnecessary. I'm actually just impressed some women can walk around like that: it seems exhausting. And I don't know about you, but my eyes naturally focus on people right in front of me, so that 1000-yard stare must take effort. I'm genuinely curious where some of these women find the energy to maintain this façade because I can barely drag myself to a 9 a.m. class in jeans let alone in heels and full makeup. Please, e-mail me your secrets.

On a more serious note, I'm hesitant to solely blame these women for their attitude. I think guys misinterpret confidence as arrogance and are too quick to dismiss women who aren't interested in hooking up with them as conceited. Plus, everyone I know at Hopkins has problems with the social or academic life here and I think some girls' attitudes are a result of the frustration that comes with years of the Hopkins grind. As sad is this sounds, some of the older girls here have probably just given up on the Hopkins scene for good reasons, moved on to different social spheres and can actually afford to lose a few potential friends. I also think the older attractive girls have it worse than the guys their age because they can't prey on unaware or na've freshmen and sophomores.

more bullshit at source

Amanda Hess does a great takedown of it here: and articulate pretty much everything wrong with this piece so the only thing I have to add to that is this: why exactly are upperclass women not able to "prey on" (ugh, what a word choice) underclass men? That's such bullshit.

privilege, interview/opinion, sex, sit the fuck down, dating/relationships, o i c, what kind of fuckery is this?, masculinities

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