TRIGGER WARNING- Veterans say rape cases mishandled

Feb 15, 2011 16:19

WASHINGTON - A group of
U.S. veterans who say they were raped and abused by their comrades want to force the Pentagon to change how it handles such cases.

trigger warning for rape discussion and apologism )

united states, rape/sexual assault, military

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Comments 9

iolarah February 16 2011, 00:06:31 UTC

A friend of mine here in Canada has a similar story. He reported what happened and his entire unit shunned him afterward. He's got PTSD and has had to fight tooth and nail to get any kind of support. Considering that serving has pretty much wrecked his life, it's insanely unfair that he isn't being taken care of in the aftermath. Seems like those who serve are often treated as disposable.


poehleroid February 16 2011, 02:50:15 UTC
I feel like those that come back with physical injuries are treated as heroes (which they very likely should be), but that the mental effects of war are still a dirty little secret.
It's interesting, because I do hear a lot about efforts to help with PTSD in soldiers and veterans, but it seems like it's not enough. Like they're treating the most basic level of it that pretty much all soldiers come back with, but not giving the extra support for those who need more.


iolarah February 16 2011, 05:02:27 UTC
Military tokenism?


poehleroid February 16 2011, 05:03:09 UTC
i guess so?


poehleroid February 16 2011, 02:50:46 UTC
I should mention not to read the comments.

I didn't, but I know someone who did, and.

Well, fuck. Hearing second hand about the comments was too much.


specimen_47 February 16 2011, 06:01:04 UTC
It's pretty obvious that the military has a long history of ignoring women's rights, but what's the be said of the recent changes in reporting? Will it make a difference? Or is it just more men patting themselves on the back for talking about changing things?

At this point, it doesn't matter whether or not they're patting themselves on the back, because whatever the fuck is going on is horrendous and the culture of silence is impenetrable. We can worry about that BS attitude once any actual headway is made at all, because right now, right now? nothing Is getting through.


poehleroid February 16 2011, 15:37:06 UTC
I hear they started a third party hotline for women to call anonymously.

I'll try to find the article on that.

But that's it.


dreammeanyway February 18 2011, 07:56:32 UTC
I volunteer for RAINN; we're doing that hotline, which is available by phone, text, and online. it's in beta mode now and will be available to anyone connected to the military in April.


inkedfeathers February 16 2011, 12:24:50 UTC
That's so horrific and disgusting! I hate it when people claim because someone did not struggle "enough", they're not victims. That's just so ridiculous!

This is horrible... I hope it changes.


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