A Guide: How Not To Say Stupid Stuff About Egypt

Feb 04, 2011 03:12

by SarthanapalosThe past few days I have heard so many stupid things from friends, blogs, pundits, correspondents, politicians, experts, writers that I want to pull my hair. So, I will not beat around the bush, I will be really blunt and give you a handy list to keep you from offending Egyptians, Arabs and the world when you discuss, blog or talk ( Read more... )

language, privilege, protests, islam, africa, media, race/racism

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Comments 9

urban_stoop February 4 2011, 13:24:28 UTC
IDK, I think people being beaten up by a paid mob riding camels is sad, and I think this turn of events from Tuesday's amazingly hopeful and peaceful demonstrations to the warfare, chaos and bloodshed we've seen since then is sad. But ITA agree about the others, especially about the Muslim Brotherhood. This has been so fucking frustrating to me- EVERY actually knowledgable person who appears on TV/radio keeps saying they're not Hamas/Chomeini and yet the perception just will not die. And I think if I heard someone say “I am so impressed at how articulate Egyptians are," I would put my feet in their mouth.


terry_terrible February 5 2011, 07:19:59 UTC
I don't think the point of the article was that people getting ran by camels was *not sad*, but that few people in America and Europe really noticed or even cared what was going on in Egypt for over thirty years. Yet now that it's really visible in a way they can't ignore now they're *concerned*.


sisterjune February 4 2011, 13:45:38 UTC
thanks for this. i've been seeing some of this stuff esp the first one around and as an arab it makes me see red. very arrogant way of thinking and ignorance informs alot of these quotes.


bodysnatched February 4 2011, 16:18:11 UTC
People actually say these things? I live in the most conservative place ever and all I've heard is "Go, Egyptians, take your country back!"

I have heard a couple people say that it's sad, but the sadness is that it ever had to come to this to make change.


asesinas February 4 2011, 16:52:45 UTC
Whenever anyone has said "this is so sad" to me, they've been talking about their concern for the protestor's safety - they're sad that it had to come to this violent and fatalistic end. IMO, people dying on the streets just for speaking out on behalf of their personal freedom is pretty "sad." It's a number of other things, too - brave, for example - but mostly, it's tragic.

I agree with everything else on this list, though.


poehleroid February 4 2011, 21:31:25 UTC
I agree.

Saying that what is happening to the protesters is sad is not denying that what led up to the protests isn't sad as well. It's just a different manifestation of sad, if that makes sense.


hydroskufl February 5 2011, 02:56:46 UTC
I think when people mean sad they mean the violence and people getting killed and injured is sad - at least I hope.

Honestly I'm just amazed at the revolution itself and delighted to see Egypt finally being respected as a country and nation not just an archeological site. Egypt has been through a lot of shit and it's good to see a massive, united force finally making such a huge impact.


lady_borg February 6 2011, 02:07:10 UTC
people seriously see it as an archeological site and not as the country it is...Wow.


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