Strip-search in a police cell 'a travesty', judge rules

Nov 17, 2010 23:38

A judge has condemned a handful of Ottawa police officers for subjecting a female prisoner to “an indignity” in a strip search of the young woman, who had her shirt and bra cut off by a male officer, only to be left partially clad in soiled pants in a jail cell for three hours.

click )

the 'justice' system, police misconduct

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Comments 20

persiascarecrow November 18 2010, 05:01:07 UTC
she should sue, that is disgusting


nepthys_12 November 18 2010, 05:57:56 UTC
This is absolutely horrific. I hope all the cops involved lose their jobs and get jail time. I hope she sues the shit out of the police department and the city. This scares me so much as a woc.


roseofjuly November 20 2010, 07:16:39 UTC
This, as if I weren't already terrified enough of the police.


deird1 November 18 2010, 06:21:54 UTC
How despicable. D:


penumbral2276 November 18 2010, 08:23:50 UTC
So much for thinking things are better in Canada.


in_vino_vanitas November 18 2010, 12:16:13 UTC
no, canada is not some racism-, sexism-free utopia. i'm personally pretty tired of seeing americans, canadians, etc making these kinds of comments in response to stories about violence here. stories like this about state violence aimed at women of colour aren't any more surprising here than they would be in any other colonial state.


penumbral2276 November 18 2010, 12:29:13 UTC
Where did I imply that it was some "racism-, sexism-free utopia?" Because I sure don't remember saying that anywhere.


in_vino_vanitas November 18 2010, 12:47:41 UTC
no need to get defensive, i'm just a canuck who is tired of hearing people in and outside of the country who somehow think things are "better" here, or that something like this wouldn't happen here.


vulva November 18 2010, 12:37:26 UTC
I think what's most appalling, is the fact that one would assume that seeing a woman walking alone along the canal at the wee hours of the morning would have incited the officers to give her a ride home/check to make sure she was safe. Instead they take her in and do this shit? Give me a fucking break.


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