ivybgreenflower wrote in ontd_ai May 19, 2017 03:10
ryan is trolling in the deep
ivybgreenflower wrote in ontd_ai Jan 06, 2016 08:48
baby lock them doors, gayity, high school student aaron kelly, scotty eats confetti, gay it up!, swinging lesbian fantasy, lee is the big spoon, lee is ambidexterous, j.lo loves stefano for no good reason, who the fuck is kara?, ryan is trolling in the deep, lee: king of empty promises, paint: the only thing that won't judge, aaron is in high school, !aaron kelly, aaron is an embryo, lee is a lying liar who lies, lee fails at everything including life, !john stamos, kara diowhatever
ivybgreenflower wrote in ontd_ai Mar 22, 2012 19:50
ryan is trolling in the deep, shut up jimmy iovine, !season 11 watch post