Nov 13, 2008 11:06

Translation Lexi86 with some rewording by me:)
The last talent of America

In the 2006 Jared Leto is a movie star and musician. He has refused (perhaps with great regret) a part in a film of Clint Eastwood to devote himself to his band, 30 Seconds to Mars. And it is now a bigger celebrity.

He defines himself as an arts chool dropout , a rebellious artist of the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, the most ancient and prestigious school of art of the United States (among the ex pupils they are among the others the director Joe Dante there, the jazz player Stanley Clark and the photographer Irving Penn), to go to New York and to study cinema to the School of Visual Arts in Manhattan. To leave art school has been the best decision of my life, tells Leto, speaking on the phone while he is walking in a park in Los Angeles. I went 3 years then I felt the need for change.
Born in Louisiana in 1971, raised by his mother Constance with his brother Shannon they continually moved around the United States, from the Virginia to Colorado to Haiti, finally to settle himself in Los Angeles in 1992, Jared Leto is the last talent in Hollywood. An uneasy artist, with a beautiful face and damned (the same one that the role of Angel Face has been worth him in Fight Club), but for so much critical spirit, intelligence, impatience to the adversity. On the telephone he is serious, polite, sincere. He thinks for a long time before speaking, it is often on the defensive because he is used to the criticisms of which he doesn't believe is justified or authentic (very cunning, very beautiful). Then he gets excited, he allows his mind to wander, he puts on the mask and it looks for a way to communicate carefully and methodically.

An actor that sings
He is mysterious, fleeing, experienced but splendidly naïve he says because he is an incurable optimist amidst the merciless world in Hollywood. His career is made up of sudden turns and blind jumps in the dark. His first passion was painting; then after he left Philadelphia, he moved to New York to study filmmaking. In 1994 he plays the dyslexic (and costarring Claire Daines) Jordan Catalano in the television series My So Called Life, a dark and disturbed series for teenagers, that has become a cult classic in America and opened doors for him in Hollywood.
After two commercial films, Basil and the blockbuster Urban Legend, Jared stops aiming at his smile and his blue eyes and plays smaller, but interesting roles, in deep and provocative films such as The thin red line by director Terrence Malick, David's Fincher Fight Club (where his beautiful face is disfigured by Edward Norton), Girls Interrupted, with Angelina Jolie and Wynona Ryder and American Psycho, inspired by the novel of Bret Easton Ellis.
In 2000, when he reached great success with the extraordinary performance of a young heroin addict Harry Goldfarb in the anxious masterpiece of Darren Aronofsky Requiem For Dream, it puts on again in discussion, it passes to the music and him it launches in the world of the rock with the 30 Seconds to Mars, the band that he founded with his brother Shannon before (the name derives from a theory of a teacher of Harvard I found on internet, according to which the technological development of the Twentieth century has brought the humanity to virtually be to 30 Mars seconds). We grew up with alot of artists of every type , he remembers. Painters, actors, photographers, musicians. A kind of community in which the confinements among the various forms of art were never clear. You celebrated the artistic expression in free way, without rules .
With 30 Seconds to Mars Jared Leto fights, on the stage and in front of microphones and television cameras, to earn him respect as singer. All wonder if by chance it is not another Bruce Willis, Keanu Reeves or, worse, Steven Seagal, A Hollywood actor that's playing a rock singer. To the critical Leto answers with the simplicity of whom, simply he sees it in another way, I have never felt like an actor that wants to make music or a musician that it loves to act, I don't have a priority of one over the other: for me it is a combination among the two things. I feel very fortunate, because I have had the opportunity to do her both.
30 Seconds to Mars was signed in 1998 Shannon plays the drums and Jared is the frontman. Kohl rimmed eyes, dark image formula and decadent icon voice alternative-rock. From the beginning it is only a pasttime between the brothers, a way to play after having spent years to listening to The Wall from Pink Floyd or the Who, The Cure and Led Zeppelin, but also Cindy Lauper because I had a crush on a punk girl in high school, he admits laughing. Then they form the band with Matt Wachter and the guitarist Tomo Milicevic, and Jared decides to try to tour .
The debut album, 30 Seconds to Mars, sells 100,000, the band is pretentious (it has as logo a phoenix and even a motto in Latin: provehito in altum, that is launch forward into the deep), the album is a dark concept album with astronomy and the internal conflicts of humanity, the press doesn't succeed in defining them and it snubs them. Instead The record houses don't know how or whether to sell them and they send them to open concerts for heavy metal bands . Once we have played as the opener of Sevendusts in Atlanta, remembers Jared. They have been kind and and very sympathetic, but their public was composed from true metalheads and they hated us. it has been the most absurd experience of my life.
It doesn't have to be amusing, for one that has had been with Cameron Diaz, to be taken back by the stage whistles, but he doesn't pay attention: << Every successful concert was like winning a battle, he remembers, we felt there was a war.
The band became his obsession. In 2006 I had to turn down a role in Flags of Our Fathers with Clint Eastwood to focus on the promotion of the second album, Á. Beautiful Lie, with which the 30 Seconds to Mars, they album turned platinum in America and they become, finally, one of the fixtures of the alternative rock scene. A Beautiful Lie has been a pivotal turn for 30 seconds to mars, declares Jared. I am convinced that in every form of art is necessary to destroy the past to move on and to occur again completely .
The group purchases credibility and is earned the first tour as headliner, that also brings them in Europe (the magazine of cult of the hard rock Kerrang! Best Band names them and also rewards the single From Yesterday as 2007 good piece). When he speaks of the experience of the first tour, Jared throws away his pride we were absolutely humbled and grateful. We have worked hard for 30 Seconds to Mars. Now we can introduce us to the public in the way that we have always imagined .
While walking in a Los Angeles park and at times he stops to greet some friends (but also to photograph a snake that someone has decided to bring to I along an enormous, friend , it exclaims to the telephone, he waits for an instant, I absolutely have to photograph it!), Leto thinks about the next chapter of the history of the band, to which wants to devote everything himself: We have toured the world for three years, he tells, I have written over one hundred songs in at least fifteen different countries .
The new album, that doesn't have a title yet, is always composed of songs that rotate around the same theme as pages of a book I would like to always offer something in more than a simple pop song, he explains. I like a lot the pop music, but it's not what we do. This album will be as the third chapter of a trilogy, it will be about spirituality and it will be the perfect combination of the two precedending albums .
It strikes the absolute devotion that Leto shows toward his band. Its mission seems that to demolish the barriers with the public. During the concerts he enter thes scene from the sound travelling across the room to the crowd, he looks for the embrace of the fans as he stage dives (what they have also created a street team called The Echelon, from the title of a piece of the first album. He is a teen idol of the emo-core scene and not a celebrity in Hollywood, this sends in crisis the American press, that doesn't succeed in making sense of him how come doesn't go around with a bodyguard as all the others. The unique relationship that we have with the fans is at the base of the social experiment 30 Seconds to Mars , explains Jared. And a lot of main focus for us is to have this sense of community while we are playing, we want to bring the greatest possiblities of the show to the public. There is no anything more beautiful than to sing songs that speak of your more intimate feelings and to divide her with the others. I believe in the active participation to share the art, not in hyperpassive receipt .
Jared Leto seems to manage well his double career of actor and singer Through the music you go into depth of your soul and you become that sixth sense, reciting you go out of yourself and you enter the mind of another , he explains very seriously. Then he jokes. They are two experiences contrasted that together gives me equilibrium, but together they don't leave me time to live unfortunately!

A musician that acts
In the cinema, Jared Leto has the a suffered at every opportunity, intense to enter the characters that it interprets. It recites with the body, some roles are a challenge to its beauty: after the blows of Fight Club (at the end of the fight with him, after having disfigured him, Edward Norton declares: << I wanted to destroy something beautiful ) he is killed with an axe by Christian Bale in American Psycho and killed in Panic Room of David Fincher and in Lord of 2005 War, in which it plays the part of Vitaly Orton, brother of the trafficker of weapons Nicholas Cage (before one year had also recited in Alexander of Oliver Stone). it challenges him. More importantly I got to work with with the visionary Darren Aronofsky. To interpret Harry Goldfarb in Requiem For to Dream, Leto stops eating, it loses 25 pounds and abstained from sex for two months with Cameron Diaz. The resulting character is deprived and addicted. When he speaks of it, Jared seems one of the so many spectators been disturbed by the film, not the his protagonist And is a suffered through the experience and violent. it has changed me the life, it has shown me parts of the world and sides of myself that I had never explored .
The most binding role from the physical point of view is however that of Chapter 27, its next to last film, in which it interprets Mark David Chapman the man that murdered John Lennon,I gained 62 pounds. I ask Him as how it was to enter the mind of one of the most hated men in the world and Jared answers with three words Dark, brutal, depressing.
Jared prepares himself for extreme characters crossing three phases: << First there is the emotion of the challenge, then the search of the satisfaction as actor and finally the comparison among to your mind and that of your character. it can be a masochistic experience. I'm also taking hypnosis sessions lately. Indeed? No, just kidding. However perhaps I should
Jared interrupts me for an instant and it makes me listen to the music of an organ that someone is playing next to him. His last film, Mr. Nobody of Jaco Van Dormael, released in 2009, it is the history of a man that finds again him to live different parallel lives between the present and the future. According to Jared it is his most beautiful role. As in the rock, the last album is always the best. It is also a proper role for the most multiform talent of his generation, art school dropout, the failed painter that became actor, the rockstar that goes down from the stage and it finds himself a path leading to Hollywood.

Internet and the envious persons
Recently Jared Leto has been said to hate the blogs and he has been bombarded by harsh criticism. I have never said I hate blogs, exactly,but I don't like their negativity. Why can't we help each other instead of surrendering to envy and hate? I am prepared to carry the weight and the consequences of the fame, but how much negativity am I able to bear? In America, we have alot of hate blogs, where they trash the stars, the situation it is out of control. It is not fun anymore, unfair, bad and very debatable thing has become out of controllable.
Perhaps Hollywood is famous really for the wickedness that hides him behind its thousand lights, but Jared doesn't think this way.For me Hollywood is famous for great films, for Apocalypse Now and Natural Born Killers, for James Dean, Marlon Brando and Paul Newman, he explains.I am an optimistc person. I am also then an idealist. Do you, want me to send you the photo of the snake?.

credit: Esther and Letophrenics

!pictures, person: jared leto

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