New spoilery interview with Sera Gamble + set spoilers!

Jul 23, 2011 03:21

The interview was apparently in the special edition Warner Brothers TV Guide printed just for Comic Con. The entire interview is a bit long, but you can find the complete transcription HERE. I've written out the gist of it so you guys could get an overview:

  • Sam will pay a big price at the beginning for his memory merging
  • She can't say the extent of Misha's involvement without giving away too much
  • The premiere picks up soon after last season's finale
  • Cas is transformed, not evil per se
  • Balthazar is really most sincerely dead but they're always open to returns
  • They'll focus on what happens on earth this season
  • Boys will be on the run, new creatures (people-eating monsters, ghosts and psychic episode/storyline), old favorites and new characters will appear(some recurring, none are love interests)
  • There's always been darkness in SPN - there will be satirical elements in season 7
  • They haven't forgotten about Adam, they have some ideas
  • Impala will be A-OK


    source/ source


    season 7, spoilers (s7), interviews

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