Pucking has 1 rule: Be respectful.
This post outlines what is and is not acceptable behaviour within the community. We are all going to disagree at times but the number one thing to remember is to be respectful of _pucking and all its members.
In a watchalong please limit yourself to 3 (reasonably sized) gifs and/or pics in a single comment and font size to no larger than 7 (otherwise the page takes too long to load). If you post a HUGE image you are expected to edit the image to bring it down to an acceptable size. In FFA, Party Posts you are more than welcome to post larger pics, fonts and more than 3 gifs at a time.
All posts are public except for: TMI (Party Posts), Friending posts & posts that include download links (ie. 24/7 watchalong). These posts are Members only (private). Mod posts, excluding this one, are also Members only (private).
New Posts: Please feel free to make new posts in the community. Please try to leave ample time between posts (about 2 hours) so that everyone can have a chance to enjoy. Party Posts are ALWAYS welcome, especially on slow days when there are not many games :)
Frozen Threads:
A thread will be frozen if a conversation is deemed offensive or overtly antagonistic, insensitive or hurtful. Mods will post a brief explanation before freezing the thread. Continued discussion/explanation regarding the frozen thread is to be done through PM with the mod team. Do not try to continue the discussion by posting another comment directly relating to the frozen thread in the post. Such a comment will be frozen or deleted immediately and the member will recieve a warning. Mods discuss situations as a team and as such a response may not be immediate; we thank you in advance for your patience.
Warnings: The following behaviour will result in a warning:
- Trolling & baiting (side note: chirping one's friends is fine, kinda encouraged actually.) The Instigator Rule: Baiting another member who has previous warnings in an attempt to get them banned is unacceptable behaviour and will result in a warning. If the member being subjected to the baiting reacts in a manner that is also against the rules they will still be help accountable for their own actions and accessed a warning.
- Describing a team, player or member using racial or homophobic slurs
- Describing a country or city using an enforced stereotype. ie: "Fuck Buffalo, it's a shit town full of smelly disgusting people" "Canadians are arrogant motherfuckers" However, saying "Fuck [city/country]" is permitted when it is understood one is referring to the team that plays in that city or for that country.
- Direct attack on another member ie. saying "Fuck You" "Go Fuck Yourself" "Shut the fuck up, you don't know what you're talking about you fucking idiot" "You're a cunt" "Fuck [team/player that a member is a fan of]" or something in this manner directly to a member.
- Passive aggressive personal attack/bullying ie. using/repeating another members comments in a malicious or mocking manner; continuously singling out a member and picking on them and when confronted not apologizing and dismissing the other member's feelings.
- Insensitivity towards an injured player or expressing a desire for a player to sustain a serious injury. ir "he deserved to get hit like that," "I hope he dies/his career is over," or "I hope [player] gets another concussion," or "[player[ is an asshole; he deserves an elbow to the head/to get cut by a skate."
- Not editing or deleting an offensive comment/post when asked by a mod.
Warnings & Bans:
These will be listed in a permanent post in the comm. A member will be removed from the post/list when their warning(s) &/or ban expire.
Members get 2 warnings, if a 3rd infraction occurs that member will be banned from the comm for 1 month. Warnings last for a 3 month period, after which if no other infractions occur the warning is rescinded. Members who threaten the health and/or safety of another member, are very obviously trying to provoke a moderator into banning them (ie. attempting to subvert their authority, ignoring repeated requests, name-calling, etc) or continue to act in an offensive and subversive manner after coming off a 1 month ban may be banished immediately from the comm.
Members are expected to be respectful to mods during their interactions, whether that is in an open thread or directly via PM. Disagreement is encouraged and expected but name-calling, mocking and swearing directly at (ie. "fuck you" "all mods are assholes") will be treated as an "attack on another comm member" and as such will result in a warning.
Behavioural Examples:
dipshit = saying something that isn't overtly deserving of a warning but could be interpreted as being extremely offensive, antagonistic and against the rules
Person is being a dipshit
Mod steps in and tell them to check themselves
Person admits they went over the line, apologies and changes behaviour - NO WARNING
Person is being a passive-aggressive dipshit
Mod steps in and tell them to check themselves
Person argues that they're not being PA and it's a misunderstanding
Mod gives them the benefit of the doubt
They carry on being a good commenter - All good in the hood
Member gets passive-aggressive again later, making a mockery of the mods - WARNING
Person is being a passive-aggressive dipshit
Mod steps in and tells them to check themselves
Person argues that they're not being PA and it's a misunderstanding
Mod disagrees, says it's passive-aggressive and tells them to watch out
Person continues to argue, is rude and makes a fuss in the post - WARNING
They carry on the conversation in PMs and Person and Mod come to an understanding - NO WARNING
They carry on the conversation in PMs and Person uses disrespectful language/tone towards the Mod and are very rude - WARNING
Other internet communities & Twitter:
Mods can't police Twitter and other public forums so everyone has to do it themselves to keep pucking friendly and positive. However, if someone admits, in a public forum, to trolling or breaking any other comm rules and a mod reads it, the member can be banned.
How to handle personally offensive, rule-abiding comments:
Should a member find a comment to be in-line with the rules but nonetheless offensive or upsetting either:
A) Engage the member directly and openly in a calm and respectful manner:
ie. "I think that this comment was unnecessarily rude/harsh/mean spirited." Comments such as these are to be taken
seriously and to be respected. Saying: "grow a thicker skin. this is a sports comm if you can't take it then get out" is
NOT an acceptable response; saying "I didn't mean to offend you." or "I got carried away there, sorry" is the kind of
response that is expected. Apology accepted, case closed.
B) Talk to a moderator who can try to mediate a discussion between members.
It is inevitable that people will dislike your favourite player; they will hate on your favourite team. Fans of your least favourite player/team WILL celebrate their victories and achievements. Scrolling is your friend and sometimes ignorance really is bliss. If you can tell right away that a post is not for you, for the love of bowman PLEASE just avoid that post.
If you have questions or concerns or need clarification on any of the above please contact the mod team via
You are always welcome to DM an individual mod of your choosing. Your current mods are:
recoil_ Thanks for hanging out with us and please feel free to let us know what we can do to make this a better place for everyone.