Sam Brownback Panicks Over Teenaged Tweet

Nov 28, 2011 13:43

The scene: A teenage girl in a high school group called Youth in Government uses her fancy new tweeting phone to exercise her constitutionally-protected right to call a governor a butthead. (Or, to be more specific, to say that he "sucked" and to create the hashtag #heblowsalot.) Her perceptive abilities proved accurate, when said Gov. Sam ( Read more... )

for great justice, sam brownback

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Comments 29

jettakd November 28 2011, 21:55:38 UTC
This is so creepy and yet at the same time, hilariously pathetic.


mirhanda November 28 2011, 22:16:00 UTC
Well, it certainly looks like Miss Sullivan is right. He blows a lot and he sucks. Good for her for bringing this to national attention so we can all join her in saying how he blows and sucks.

Hopefully the rest of Kansas will sit up and take notice that this guy wants to curtail their freedom of speech! What a jerk! (I would have more choice words, but I'm trying to stop swearing.)


carmy_w November 29 2011, 17:48:51 UTC
Oh, trust me, we've noticed!
I kept an eye on this during the whole holiday weekend.

There have been a few comments along the line of 'RESPECT YOUR ELDERS, YOUNG LADY!!' on the boards, but an overwhelming number are telling Brownback to not be so thin skinned, to stop trying to curtail her 1st amendment rights(especially since she's over 18), and to just STFD&STFU.

Her twitter following went from 65 to over 3,000 in those four days!


mirhanda November 29 2011, 18:09:05 UTC
WOW! Good for her!


acmeeoy November 28 2011, 22:21:41 UTC
I hope the internet does it's usual thing and starts infesting twitter/facebook/etc with "butthead" as an insult for Brownback and/or other politicans/corporate people/rich people.


sarahsayssoo November 28 2011, 22:33:14 UTC
I promise every politician at his level and many below it have someone monitoring social media mentions. It's completely normal. Engaging with people mentioning you is not suggested though. I wonder, and really seriously doubt, that he knew what his staffer was doing when they contacted the program.


beuk November 28 2011, 22:48:54 UTC


aviv_b November 28 2011, 22:54:48 UTC
You got it. I think PR people often spend as much time monitoring what's out there in cyberspace as actually promoting a positive image for their clients.


brookiki November 29 2011, 01:45:27 UTC
This. Why do so many people act like that's the shocking and horrifying part of this story?


astridmyrna November 28 2011, 22:38:26 UTC
"Butthead Brownback" sure has a nice ring to it.


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