When Guys Turn Into Girls…

May 04, 2011 00:07

Mods, sorry I forgot the source the first time around! Don't know how I overlooked the link. Hope this is ok now.

When Guys Turn Into Girls…
By Stephanie Hernandez () | April 29, 2011, 1:47 am

Let’s start off by saying that men and women shouldn’t go back to the Stone Age,
but I like it when men are men. I have always appreciated traditional gender
roles; maybe that’s because I’m five feet tall and can’t open a jar of pickles
by myself. That means men should not be crying when watching The Notebook
and not accepting morning sex when it’s offered. If you want to play Black Ops
and spew obscenities for hours on end, that’s okay, because I know that’s who’s
paying for dinner tomorrow. Also, ladies, there are always going to be things
that men do better than us. Deal with it. We can cry our way out of a ticket and
flirt with men to get free drinks, so it’s a pretty fair trade.

Lately I’ve been wondering what is going on with the men in our lives. It seems
like there is a new trend where men start acting like girls, and it’s driving me
crazy. For example, no man says “no” to sex with his girlfriend unless it’s
“meaningful” sex. Women are taught that men only care about sex and that
they don’t cry or put much stock in emotions. Now they’re switching the game on
us and are starting to bitch out and act like emotional girls. If I wanted to
date a girl, I would. I want a manly man. He doesn’t have to know how to
re-build an engine or build a bookshelf but having a boyfriend that cried less
than I do would be ideal.

Women generally attribute more meaning to sex because when we orgasm our bodies
release a larger dose of oxytocin, also known as the bonding hormone, while men
have more testosterone, which is the hormone of sexual desire. Testosterone
drives men to compete for women and to mate with them. Society has this idea
that the male sex drives peaks between 17-20 while the female sex drive peaks
during the early 30’s but there is no scientific evidence to support this
theory. It’s an excuse I’ve heard my friends use multiple times to explain their
boyfriend’s low sex drives. It’s easier to blame biology than to think about the
numerous other reasons that a man wouldn’t want to sleep with his girlfriend.
However I doubt it would cross a woman’s mind that her lustful desires weren’t
fulfilling her boyfriend emotionally.

In my last relationship, it was a well-known fact among our friends that my
metaphorical penis was bigger than my boyfriend’s. Not because I’m a raging
bitch but because once we started dating he stopped acting like a man. Men like
this start complaining that you “don’t spend enough time together” even when you
live together. He either cries after sex because he messed up and you didn’t get
your orgasm (thank you for caring but tears are just unnecessary) or he would
rather cuddle than have sex. He might also want to talk about feelings all the
time. Contrary to popular belief, women don’t want to talk with their men about
feelings 24/7. That’s weird. Let it go.

Maybe our society is going through a shift in gender roles because men are
realizing that modern women are intelligent and capable and acting more like men
themselves so their traditional male behavior is taking the back burner. I’m not
sure what’s causing it, but it makes dating hell.

I understand that all relationships are different and that what’s normal for one
couple isn’t going to be normal for every couple; but considering men are
biologically disposed to be horn-dogs… well let’s just put it this way: it’s
weird when they aren’t.


This was posted in The Yeti, the 'alternative' newspaper at Florida State
University. I don't even know where to start. At first I thought it might be a
joke but comments on their FB page and elsewhere point otherwise.

Also, some of the comments against the article on the source are almost as bad as the article,
can we disagree with a woman author without calling her a whore, please?

sex, gender

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