World's Most Dangerous Narcissist hearing voices (in his head): "The election will be Rigged"

Aug 02, 2016 10:15

[Note: Because OP is tired of this Oversized ManBaby's media dominance, OP has replaces all mentions of his name with Scottish insults and other more creative phrases. NSFW]

By Jeremy Diamond, CNN

Columbus, Ohio (CNN) Donald [OverSizedManBaby] on Monday took his complaints about the "rigged" political system one step further.

"I'm afraid the election's going to be rigged. I have to be honest," ["Apricot Hellbeast"] told voters in Ohio, a crucial swing state.

[World'sLargestNarcissist]'s comments Monday came as he decried Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for endorsing Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary, even as some Sanders supporters have continued to resist unifying behind the nominee. [Drumph] has sought to siphon off Sanders supporters and draw them to his campaign.

["Cheeto-Faced, ferret wearing shitgibbon"] added that he has heard "more and more" that the November election will be rigged -- suggesting to his supporters that the outcome of the election is out of the hands of voters.
Hillary Clinton's spokesman Brian Fallon mocked ["Clueless Numpty"] on Twitter Tuesday morning, writing, "Even for a reflexive conspiracy theorist like ["Utter and Complete eejit"], this is pathetic. It's dangerous, too."

["Mangled Apricot Hellbeast"] during the primary repeatedly slammed the "rigged system" he claimed was working against his campaign to capture the Republican nomination for president. He then pivoted to using that language to decry the nomination process on the left, accusing the Democratic Party of colluding with the Clinton campaign to keep Sanders from winning that party's nomination.

["Weaselheaded Fucknugget"]'s comments during the primary bolstered the impression that Trump, a political outsider, was leading the charge against a corrupt political system.

But his latest comments could hurt ["Absolute Fucking Doughnut"]'s general election campaign as his supporters might decide not to turn out to vote if the election is already "rigged" against their candidate.

["Weapons Grade plum"] continued with the "rigged" theme during a Monday night interview on Fox News. Appearing on "Hannity," the Republican nominee suggested the potential for foul play in November. ["The Tit"] pointed to the 2012 presidential election as a cause for concern.
"I've been hearing about it for a long time," ["Utter Twonk"] said. "And I know last time, there were -- you had precincts where there was practically nobody voting for the Republican. And I think that's wrong. I think that was unfair, frankly" for 2012 GOP nominee Mitt Romney.

"I'm telling you, November 8, we'd better be careful, because that election is going to be rigged," ["Incomphrensible Jizztrumpet"] added. "And I hope the Republicans are watching closely or it's going to be taken away from us."

Source (This is CNN)

flames on the side of my face, republican party, election 2016, donald trump, politics, hillary clinton, this is gonna be good, fuck this guy, presidential candidates

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