(no subject)

Jan 17, 2011 02:15

I'm a huge Deep Space 9 fan, though I think I've only been into it for about a year - what can I say, it sucks you in. I just finished showing the series to my brother, which was then immediately followed with a rewatch of some of our favorite episodes, resulting in a pile of cartoon fanart. If you're watching the ds9agogo community, you've already seen them all, nothing new.

"Elim, remember that day...in the country. You must've been almost five."
"How can I forget it? It was the only day."
"I can still see you, on the back of that riding hound. You must've fallen off a dozen times. But you wouldn't give up."
"I remember limping home...You held my hand."
"I was very proud of you, that day." (In Purgatory's Shadow)

Enabran Tain: not exactly Father of the Year ... well, maybe on Cardassia.

(Dunno if any of the extended universe stuff ever says what a riding hound is supposed to look like, I just made it up and took a bit of inspiration from my dog. My brother wants me to make a plushie Garak to ride her now)

Makes a change from James Bond ... though maybe the adventures of a naive but well meaning young man and the older, supremely well educated man who's constantly manipulating him aren't different enough from their regular lives to appeal as a holosuite antic. But hey, Garak's got a kanar martini! Kanartini.

(Bashir is haaard to draw. I love drawing Cardassians, though)

((The "Garak and Bashir=Jeeves and Wooster" equation isn't my own invention, I've seen it in at least a couple fics ...

'Garak and the Moment of Jealousy' by Mark Russel Stanley
'Lit Crit of the Future' by Blackletter))

Oh, Jeffrey Combs, for truly you are king of Star Trek guest stars. Inspired by an interview with him where he says he wished they met in the episode that features them both ("Dogs of War"), or at least had a "WTF?" moment passing each other in the hallway. And holy shit - there's an actual background! I'm usually very lazy about that.

Part of our rewatch earlier was "Treachery, Faith, and the Great River" ... when Odo and Weyoun are trapped in the freezing shuttlecraft, my brother semi-joked that they should huddle together for warmth (I don't entirely get why warmth was an issue for Odo in the first place, but whatever). I pointed out that Weyoun would be wayyy more into that than Odo, who Does Not Want Vorta affection (or most non-Kira forms of affection, really). Can be seen as slash or gen, depending on your interpretation of Weyoun's Founderlove.

(Odo is absurdly hard to cartoonify - my style is already pretty pared down, it's hard to get Odo's super-simplified features across. I'm pretty proud of this attempt)

I think Gul Dukat's wholehearted resistance to accepting Kira's hatred of him comes from a couple places ...
1) Cardassians flirt via argument. Kira telling him to fuck off just seems feisty to him.
2) Dukat can't really wrap his head around the idea that ANYONE doesn't think he's awesome. I love him in "Waltz", all "so Sisko, now that we're alone and you don't have your crew around to pretend for, let's talk about how great you think I am!".
3) Kira is hot.

Heh, ok, this one needs a bit of explanation. When Dukat's dicking around with Kai Winn in the last season and gets blinded by the Bajoran Necronomicon, Winn kicks him out onto the street ... and then he re-enters the plot a few episodes later, fixed up and ready to continue the dicking. This picture was inspired by the following question - why were we, their loyal viewing public, denied the undoubtedly hilarious adventures of blind hobo Dukat? I know they had a lot to cover at that point in the show, but IMO, they could've jettisoned a lot of the Ezri/Bashir fluff, given that time over to Gul Dukat living in a dumpster, and made a much more entertaining use of everyone's time.

The harmonica is just silliness - obviously Dukat would be a stabbing hobo.

Watched "Ferengi Love Songs" (lol, Brunt's in the closet. I suspected as much), and my brother requested a picture of Quark as a kid, playing with his Marauder Mo action figures. Oh, wee!Quark - the resale value on those things is going to be nil if you insist on denting them with Rom's head.

I think Quark would do a lot of bitching about Guinan's crazy not charging for drinks, synthehol peddling ways.

PS - Guinan is a Time Lord, y/y?

The Sisko's gonna punch some cube.

Deep Space 9 has changed how I see the Borg battle in "First Contact" considerably. Before, I just accepted the Defiant's presence as the obligatory "get Worf back in" device and didn't think anything more of it. Upon a post-DS9 rewatch, my response turned into "they sent the Defiant to fight Borg SANS SISKO?! Blasphemy!". I'm not 100% on how the Next Gen/DS9 timelines match up - is Sisko chilling with the Prophets at that point? That's just about the only explanation I can think of to explain him not showing up to murderalize the everloving hell out of some Borg, possibly just with the sheer force of his mighty punches and all around badassery.

Did I mention that the Sisko is My Captain? The Kirk vs Picard debate is just so much jostling for second place.

And while I'm here, have an amusing Dukat edit my friend Glenn made, inspired by those Next Gen edits.

art, video

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