AMC Restructure

Jul 05, 2008 13:40

Hey guys, Wolfie!mod here. So, I'm sure you've all been wanting an update on this, so I'm going to open up what Jen and I had been working on for you guys to see.

As a note, everything, and I mean everything is subject to change.

All characters will be able to change their current rank in the AMC to reflect their in-character position in the organization when changes take place, though it will probably have to go through a mod first (a soldier's not likely to change rank to captain, for instance).

Any NPCs, save for the Inspector, are actually up for grabs/assassination/etc.

Topmost Ranks

Inspector (NPC)

  • Head of Internal Affairs, Enforcement, & Investigative

Internal Affairs

No one in IA has vehicle access and are privy to the most information

  • Head Clerk (1/mod permission required)

    • oversees the affairs of the Clerks and makes the final decision on whether a case goes to the Inspector or the Officers for review; also acts as the personal secretary to the Inspector

  • Officer (3 PC, 2 NPC)

    • the five Officers operate like a board, reviewing severe cases brought to them by the Clerks. One NPC has Monacello ties and the other has Vescovo ties; nothing saying that PCs can't take these spots later.

  • Clerk (5)

    • one clerk reports to each Officer as a secretary, but all 5 work in conjunction with one another to review all cases brought to Internal Affairs

Middle Ranks

The Enforcement Division and Investigation Division are ideally on par with one another, but the comparable ranks are mentioned in each description.


  • Captain (3)

    • report directly to the Inspector and have 2 Lieutenants working under each of them as well as one Dispatcher (an NPC ranked below Sergeant); they rarely venture into the field to command; they are granted access to any vehicles at any time; they are burdened with the most paperwork of Enforcement and are often called on to make public appearances or speeches; ranked above the Detectives in Investigation, a Captain has the authority to officially request an Investigation from one of the Detectives, such as calling in CSI

  • Lieutenant (6)

    • report directly to a Captain and have 2 Sergeants working under each of them; they do not often venture into the field to command, but will do so if more than one Sergeant's squadron is acting under a show of extreme force; they are granted access to any vehicles for emergency situations and armored trucks or squad cars at any time; Lieutenants receive the most inter-department paperwork of Enforcement, even if it is only to send it on to a Captain

  • Sergeant (12)

    • report directly to a Lieutenant and have a squadron of Soldiers working under each of them; they are nearly always seen in the field directing their Soldiers; they are granted access to armored trucks and squad cars, but any other vehicles only on special occasions; the most paperwork a Sergeant ever gets is in regards to any actions take by their own Soldiers

  • Dispatcher (3 NPCs)

    • report directly to a given Captain and their subordinate ranks within Enforcement, directing the Soldiers and Sergeants in the field as requested by their respective Captain; they receive very little paperwork and have no vehicle access

  • Soldier (unlimited)

    • report directly to Sergeant and are the main muscle behind the AMC; the only paperwork they receive is likely to come as a secondary notification after the Sergeant they report to has already been notified and thus are kept mainly in the dark about larger AMC activities; they have access to squad cars on a regular basis


  • Detective (4)

    • starts any investigation and oversees any fieldwork; they receive the paperwork from all other ranks in Investigation as well as other divisions, as well as send out the most paperwork in return; they have squad car access should they be required to go into the field; they report directly to the Inspector and are ranked comparable to below the Captains but above the Lieutenants, thus allowing a Captain to officially request an Investigation from one of the Detectives, such as calling in CSI

  • Undercover Ops (unlimited)

    • rarely seen around the main AMC buildings, their only contact to the AMC is to a specific Detective; their assignments are handed down from a Detective or the Inspector and are typically high-profile, but ambitious characters may request an assignment in hopes of achieving Detective rank; their paperwork is always reports made after an assignment is finished (successfully or not); depending on the success of the assignment, debriefing may or may not require the elimination of an alias; they have no vehicle access; their rank is comparable to just below Lieutenant but above Sergeants, thereby allowing them to direct any Sergeant's squadron to assist in an assignment - either planned ahead or in an emergency situation (need of an entire fleet mobilization would go through a Dispatcher)

  • CSI, "On-site Scientists" (6)

    • do all on-site investigative work, mostly in gathering evidence and submitting it to the Data Analysts; paperwork includes all findings at any crime scene, as well as results from Data Analysts, and is reported directly to the Detective in charge of the investigation; their rank is comparable to below Sergeants but above Dispatchers and Soldiers, allowing them to request back-up of a Squad but not guaranteeing it; have access to squad cars when required for transportation to and from crime scenes, and hazmat vehicles for transport of corpses or potentially hazardous materials as evidence

  • Data Analyst (10 NPC)

    • At the request of any other Investigation members (or through a Detective, for inter-department work), the Data Analysts will do ground-work polling, gathering data, processing data, and analyzing it.

  • Secretary (NPC or Player)

Lower Ranks

  • Division Chief of R&D (1/mod permission required)

    • oversees all experiments; reports directly to the Inspector about progress of projects and any complications with them; works closely with WAHD to ensure projects are proceeding along a safe course

  • Research & Development

    • all paperwork and no vehicle access

  • Scientist, specialties allowed for (6)

    • most projects have no problem getting funding and a Scientist is given control over an experiment from start to finish with numerous Assistants to help it along; the variety of projects can be entirely based on the specialty each Scientist brings to the AMC - but specialties are not required; Scientists are strongly encouraged to collaborate on projects

  • Assistant (NPC or Player)

    • at the option of a Scientist, they can use NPCs to work on their projects or look for players to act as their Assistants.

  • Secretary (NPC or Player)

  • Division Chief of Manufacturing (NPC)

    • named but not played

  • Manufacturing Subdivision (NPCs)

    • background characters

WAHD - Weapons Assessment and Health Department

This division is the "oversight" division for the experiments. All experimentation must be approved before it can take place, and reports go to the WAHD side before going higher up the chain in ranks.

WAHD Doctors and Nurses are in charge of the general health of experimental patients, though this often simply means keeping the experiment alive.

  • Division Chief of WAHD (1/mod permission required)

    • Doctor
    • Nurse
    • Secretary

Finance (NPCs)

background characters

  • Division Chief of Finance (NPC)
    • named but not played

  • Secretary
  • Finance NPCs
Neutral Informants (unlimited)

  • Actually neutral-aligned, but are in the AMC's payroll.

I realize the lower ranks stuff isn't very fleshed out, but it's pretty obvious what they do.

Also, if you'd rather keep your opinion between yourself and the mods, feel free to IM me at magnodragon on AIM, or email the moderator account at


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