This is the Beginning

Sep 29, 2008 00:46

Onorata mods have come to some decisions tonight, to jump the fuck to what you guys have been talking about.

I, Liz, am going to be Head Moderator. This does not mean I am Bitch Queen. It means that if the mods cannot agree on something, or there is massive discontent between factions, I will step in to make the final decision. You will always be notified when I have had cause to do so, and it will not be a behind-the-scenes dictatorship. I don't believe in bullshit, or beating around the bush. I am not pulling rank, the mods agree with this decision, and support it.

That said, Jaz and Maddie are both full "moderators", none of this demeaning "modling" bullshit. Jaz is the Monacello moderator, and Maddie is the Neutral moderator.

In addition, we are looking for four "Representatives," to represent each of the factions, Vescovo, Monacello, AMC, and Neutral. This will be a vote. I want you to recommend who you believe it to be, and when we have nominees, there will be a poll. Screened or unscreened is up to you: please reply with response to the privacy at the end of this post.

Representative duties will be as follows: some degree of plot for your area (checked with a mod if big or cross-area, just run if not), making sure mods know anything big that happens in your area, working very closely with your area mod to make sure things run smoothly and players are content, and being the voice for your area if you believe your mod is unavailable/doing something wrong.

Also, as to applications. Applications were moved to Saturdays to fight "favoritism;" people were concerned that we only checked apps when our friends apped, so we made it static. And then people were concerned the wait was too long: they will now be Wednesday and Saturday. If your app is put on "pending" on Wednesday, it will be completed by Saturday, and vice versa.

That said, we are CRACKING DOWN ON RULES. If it's a rule, it needs to be followed. Specifically:

-OOC-ness / Bad Player Etiquette

-Previously Played Characters need to be revived AS THEY WERE. If you need/would like to make a change, a mod MUST BE SEEN ABOUT THIS. And those changes? Cannot be substantial. PLEASE NOTE: This rule is currently being revised by the moderation team, but for now IT MUST BE UPHELD.

-Canon must be observed in Onorata Background. Your character must be as true to the intellectual copyright as possible.

-Godmodding will not be tolerated. To any degree. If you see godmodding, notify a moderator immediately and have proof of this occurrence and it will be taken care of.

-Similarly, meta-gaming will not be tolerated. Again, bring proof and speak with a moderator.

-Attacks on other players personally will not be tolerated. That is bad game play, and can result in you being booted from the game. If you have a problem with a player, see a moderator. If you post to OOC making insinuations about someone, or post on another community about how much someone pisses you off, nothing is solved, and bad feelings are all you get out of it. Talk to a mod or your representative, who will then relay to a moderator.

Finally, the moderators will be more available. If you need to get in touch with a moderator who is not online, all other moderators are able to immediately contact them, and will do so for you. If you do not know who your moderation team is, we will work to remedy this. IM us. Get to know us. We do care, and this game is practically our entire lives. But it *is just a game*. Real life happens, to mods just like players. We try to put the game before triviality, but things like death, accident, and illness cannot be helped. Apologies will be made, and meant. If you go a week without seeing a mod and they haven't posted a hiatus or notice about it, talk to your representative or another mod about it, and that mod will be spoken to. It's your game, we're here to make sure it's a good game.

If you have any comments or things you would like to see changed, please refer to that post just made in OOC. If you would like to help out the modteam or recommend a representative, or nominate yourself for either, please see *that* post just made in OOC. If you spot typos in this modpost, please don't comment, I'm aware that I suck.


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