Broken [Closed, In Progress]

Aug 04, 2008 22:30

WHO: Red X and Rikku
WHAT: A thieves' reunion under... unexpected circumstances
WHERE: X's suite
WHEN: Sunday night

The mask can't hold forever... )

rikku, red x

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crimson_rogue_x August 6 2008, 05:28:21 UTC
Hearing the knock despite its faintness, Red X staggered to his feet, and, slowly but surely made his way to the door. Though pain shot through his limbs like fire, he was getting used to it, even though it was a bit worse since he took himself off of the Vicodin. Still, this was Rikku, and she had said she wasn't okay, and he was guessing it was over more than just what happened to Kairi and his own disappearance. She needed him just as much as he needed her now, and, after having let her down by disappearing like that, he wasn't about to let her down again if he could help it at all ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 21 2008, 21:15:53 UTC
It sounded a bit like a tyranny, to X. But then, given what their people had gone through, dissent, chaos... that would only weaken them. Given it was one small group against the rest of the world, they had to present a united front, and that was probably the best way to go about it. Still, he could tell that it didn't sit well with her-- or, well, something about it didn't sit well with her, from the way she was talking about it, and from those little physical tics that showed up when she talked about it. Even though she smiled, he could tell it was a little strained, but he decided not to push. If she didn't want to talk about it, well, she was here with him, and not there with them, so it really shouldn't matter all that much, and if it did, he trusted her to trust him enough to tell him someday ( ... )


cunningness August 22 2008, 02:28:16 UTC
And then she managed to relax, because it was so easy to fall back into this routine. Joking, flirting-so much better than worrying and being secretive. It suited her much more, was a playing field she was very familiar with. And it didn't change the fact that he should really lie down and get some rest, but she almost wanted to keep him up just so she could talk to him. It wouldn't have been fair in the least, but her idea of "fair" had always been a bit different from everyone else's.

But morality won out over selfishness, and she puffed out a cheek in annoyance.

"Lie back down or I'll make you." Almost as an afterthought, she grinned and added: "You can interpret that any way you wish." There was a fifty percent chance that she'd just push him down-the other fifty involved a lot of flirting and trickery. The former would be better for his health, but the latter sounded rather tempting, and she couldn't help but smile just thinking about it. Shiva knew he'd probably hurt like Hell-and that was more than enough reason for her to ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 24 2008, 04:52:05 UTC
X laughed and smiled devilishly. He didn't need her second line to send his mind in that direction, though her tone certainly didn't make it hard.


He was being honest. It was tempting. Sure, it would cost him... but depending on what she had in mind, it could totally be worth it. Okay, it'd probably hurt, yes... but, well, it wasn't like he hadn't flirted with that kind of thing once or twice.

Challengingly, he arched an eyebrow, and, oddly enough, he did seem to be holding himself up a bit better now. Maybe it was the medicine, or maybe it was just the playing around distracted him from how much his arms were screaming at him at the moment.


cunningness August 24 2008, 18:44:44 UTC
Being obstinate had always been one of her stronger traits, and had gotten her into a cred load of trouble more times than she could count. But it was also a sort of blessing, because when she put her mind to something there was usually no stopping her, except maybe by force. But even then, she might have been tiny, but was by no means weak. So there were few people in the world who were as stubborn as this particular Al Bhed.

But it seemed as if X was one of them.

That cocked eyebrow sealed it, and she just smiled back at him before hoisting herself the rest of the way onto the bed. She crawled around him and flopped back against the pillows, hands behind her head. The young thief let out a long, melodramatic sigh and made her voice almost mournful. "I'll just lie here all by myself, then." She bit her cheek to hold in a laugh and added: "Besides, your back has always been your best side."

And then she raised an eyebrow right back, one corner of her mouth pulled up in a half-grin, almost like a dare.


crimson_rogue_x August 25 2008, 15:12:15 UTC
And he was tiny, too. Well. Compared to most guys. Especially in Reggio Calabria. Really, with all the tall and strapping gents around, even he was surprised sometimes with how easy it was for him to attract a pretty girl's eye. And what pretty eyes this pretty girl had.

Still, for all his charm and jokes and trickery, he wasn't that easily fooled or duped, and if she wanted to play things that way, well, he couldn't let her win the game that easily, now could he? That hardly sounded fun for either of them, since the outcome would be the same anyway.

They both knew he wanted her to win, after all.

"Oh, really? It wasn't a bit hard to see with the cape and all?"

It really was a ridiculous outfit. But at least it wasn't those garish, neon colors the new ones were all overLaughing softly-- and with a fair amount of effort that he tried to use the laughing to mask-- he moved himself up the headboard and reached out a hand to toy with her hair in an almost catlike manner. Normally, he'd have been able to do a flip or something equally ( ... )


cunningness August 25 2008, 17:00:10 UTC
“I never look when you’re wearing the cape.” Which was partially true-because first of all, it was so damn hard to see him with that dark cape, and second because it did indeed block her view. She wouldn’t deny that he was attractive, and he wouldn’t deny it either, she was sure. His ego was big enough to rival even Gippal’s, but she wasn’t about to tell either of them that. There was no doubt that it’d end with an argument of some sort, and she’d have to intervene eventually, no matter how entertaining it might have been ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 25 2008, 20:22:16 UTC
Well, run around dressed like that, and you'd better have a big ego to back it up. It was sort of like a power tie. A power tie that allowed him to teleport, fire blasts from his palms, increased his strength and speed, and a bunch of other stuff. Still, wear the mask, play the part.

And, X had to admit, it was fun playing the part.

Still, for all his bravado, this had definitely proven that X was anything but invincible-- and Rikku was about to prove it again. He could even see it coming, and figured it had been coming, but had forgotten to figure into the whole equation his slower reaction time.

Rikku would probably be gratified by the way his eyes widened a little when he realized he wouldn't be fast enough to get out of the way, and was sent off balance and into the mattress and sheets below. Still, after a moment, during which he blew a free lock of back hair from his eyes, he looked at her and laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Fine. You win. Pick your prize."


cunningness August 26 2008, 01:22:37 UTC
Her thief garb, she knew, wasn't the most practical of outfits. But it was the height of Al Bhed fashion, sans all the leather. Which, she had to continually point out to others of her race, was rather uncomfortable when worn for an extended period of time. She supposed that most of them were used to it after all these years, but really.

All that chafing. She much preferred leaving her body unhindered, ready for use.

And the fraction that his eyes expanded just before he fell was more than enough satisfaction for her, and she just smiled as he flopped down. Even though she had more or less known that there was no way he could catch himself, it was fun to watch him fall from just a little nudge. That was most certainly ten points to her, none to him.

The young thief giggled lowly with him, and then sighed, brushing that stray tuft of ebony from his face. "You need to rest," she told him gently. "The potion works wonders, but you'll still ache like hell in the morning."


crimson_rogue_x August 26 2008, 02:18:15 UTC
Practical or not, X liked her thief's outfit. And not for the obvious reasons. Well. Not just for the obvious reasons. It was bold, it was daring, it was unique. It was Rikku. And, for the record, while leather would have been hot on her,somehow it just didn't suit her personality that well. She was too... carefree for it. Or seemingly carefree, at least.

From his position on the bed, he arched an eyebrow at her and sighed. He wasn't going to argue that he needed rest-- he knew that much, however stubborn he was in fighting it. Ironic as it sounded, he was tired of laying around doing absolutely nothing. Well, at least he had good company.

"You said you needed rest, too. Want to crash here tonight?"

Okay, he could have worded it differently, and probably would have if it weren't for the worry in her eyes and the very real fact that he probably couldn't handle what they were doing being more than what it was already. Still, she did say she was due for a crash, and, for once, it might be nice to have someone to just crash with.


cunningness August 26 2008, 02:26:35 UTC
Sitting still for too long was not something any Al Bhed liked to do-they were always moving, always fidgeting in some way. Motion was an inbred necessity, and it was automatic, half the time they didn't even realize they were shifting at all. Rikku had more than once found herself pacing without being aware of doing so, or rolling her weight from foot to foot, bouncing on her heels, at the most inappropriate times ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 26 2008, 04:37:55 UTC
"I will. Eventually."

He shrugged and smiled at her, finally letting the tension out from his body, and relaxing, though his eyes didn't move off of her. The way her eyes spiraled... it was almost dangerously easy to get lost in them. And, as dangerous a girl as she was-- every bit his equal in thievery and cleverness, if not his better-- she didn't make him feel threatened. She made him feel... safe. Funny, how he could spend years among a guild of thieves, and somehow never feel this way for any of them, even those who had been his lovers. Never... comfortable, just lying there with them. Only her.

"Cross my heart and hope to die."


cunningness August 26 2008, 14:30:44 UTC
Rikku rolled her eyes at him, shifting towards him so that she could gently poke him again. "Eventually had better mean soon, and soon had better mean within the next ten minutes." But she was grinning, so there wasn't much force behind the words ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 26 2008, 21:00:19 UTC
X laughed. He could tell she wasn't serious, even if she was right that that was what he should be doing. Not that X had ever been very good at doing what he was supposed to. His own tone was playful and light as he grinned back.

"You know how I react to commands, Rikku~"

He shrugged. People died. He had come close, recently, closer than he cared to admit to her, to Kairi, to Lulu, even to himself. His was a dangerous life-- hell, he practically baited the AMC to send their experiments after him sometimes. After all, what was the fun if there wasn't a challenge, a rush? Sure, he could have died back there, and he didn't particularly want to, but if he had, he'd have done so free and fighting.

Then again... he would have had regrets. Like not telling Rikku and the others where he went, or what was going on. Among other things.

"I'll try not to. You and the others'll kick my ass if I do, I'm sure. Besides, I've never been much of one for funerals."


cunningness August 27 2008, 15:27:17 UTC
She just laughed at him, because there was really no other response. Taking orders had never been her forte either, and that had surely given Cid more than a few grey hairs. She chuckled again at the irony of that thought, because Cid didn't have grey hairs, or any hair at all. But then, maybe that was better, because being bald allowed his hot head to cool down a little sometimes ( ... )


crimson_rogue_x August 29 2008, 17:40:12 UTC
"If your funerals are like that, I wonder how wild your parties are."

The guild had never been much for funerals. Those who passed, passed. They were either too old, too weak, too stupid, or, on rare occasion, unlucky. In any case, the guild had always been cutthroat-- survival of the fittest. Of course, X had never had someone he really cared about enough to mourn. Well. Until now, at least.

Really, he supposed, he didn't really realize how much he cared about all of them until he was running away from them, trying to avoid contacting them no matter how bad it got because he wanted to keep them safe. Thankfully, for now, though, they were safe, and, mushy as it sounded-- which was why he wouldn't ever say it aloud-- he was going to treasure them all the more now that he knew just how easily the world could come crashing down around his ears.


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