Bump in the night [Closed to AMC & break-ins]

Jun 16, 2008 01:06

WHO: AMC Night Watch and other guests (Edward Cullen premuroso, Jasper Whitlock insanguinato, Rosalind Gabrielli lastellacadente, & Tony Stark stirare_luomo)
WHERE: AMC Main Compound
WHEN: Day 45, 5pm

They'd been on watch for a few nights now... )

edward cullen, rosalind gabrielli, jasper whitlock, npc - amc experiment 2208 alpha, tony stark

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Comments 29

stirare_luomo June 16 2008, 19:01:01 UTC
Out of everything involved in being in the commission, Tony hated Night Watch the most. Nothing like suiting up and doing nothing for a couple of hours every couple of nights. Most of the time, the red-and-gold covered man spent his time losing in tic-tac-toe to Jarvis, or talking to Pepper. She was always a delight at two in the morning, really.

The one thing these damn shifts were good for was keeping caught up with stuff in California. Midnight was 8 AM, so he fit nicely into conference calls back there. The whole of Stark Industries dissapproved of what he was doing here, but he'd never cared what most of them had to say about his amusing habits to begin with. This was no different - plus - he had a motive. This wasn't just screwing around.

So he here was. There was something a little embarrassing about the great Iron Man walking through people's cubicles and eying the closed shutters of the private offices. The cubicles seemed pretty average, and despite the fact he hardly knew most of these people, they seemed all right - ( ... )


insanguinato June 16 2008, 19:04:23 UTC
Jasper straightened stiffly at the sudden absence of artificial light, startled. He'd been skirting the fringes of the Science Division, only actually approaching it as close as was absolutely necessary before moving to the next. He still didn't like that building. It was full of the acrid scent of chemicals and old blood, and the two combined with his memories of the place made him feel uneasy whenever he was near. Even the Barracks, with its gunpowder and metal and sweat, was preferable ( ... )


stirare_luomo June 17 2008, 01:00:19 UTC
He switched to infrared, and what little information he knew came up on his screen. Jasper Whitlock: AMC soldier. Oh, interesting. He heard some strange things about this guy, but nothing he knew for proof, and Tony was one person who hated rumors that couldn't be substantiated.

"Hey," he said, glancing around through the buildings to see if the infrared could pick up any more pinpoints of red-yellow bodyheat. Too much lead and steel argued with his visor, though, and he saw nothing. "I don't know who else is here, but I know, uh---watch for tonight?" He asked Jarvis, and the names appeared neatly in front of him. "But Edward Cullen and Rosalind Gabrielli are apparently both on watch somewhere."


insanguinato June 17 2008, 01:14:28 UTC
Jasper nodded. He'd known that already. Edward and he had discussed their individual duties beforehand, and he could smell the girl's path every time he crossed it.

He trusted this man as much as he trusted any other AMC soldati he wasn't immediately familiar with, but found himself keeping a bit of distance between them regardless, mostly because without the background of typical electrical sounds and scents all around them, Stark's seemed amplified ten-fold. It made his nose itch annoyingly, like he needed to sneeze.

"We should find the others," he suggested. While abandoning their posts could potentially be a bad idea, he would feel better once they were all gathered together, and then together they could figure out what to do. Hopefully this blackout was nothing but an accident caused by some idiot with too may computers plugged in, but just in case it wasn't...

He eyed that strange red and yellow iron suit skeptically. "How quickly can you move in that thing?"


premuroso June 16 2008, 21:51:13 UTC
Edward hadn't been as attentive on Night Watch as he usually was. He and Jasper had agreed to patrol the opposite ends of the Science Division building, neither of them wanting to actually venture inside. There were some smells and memories that were not so easily forgotten. It irritated him that they had to be here at all, but the AMC was not known for its sympathy and, in the end, orders were orders.

As it had turned out, Night Watch was as uneventful and pointless as the constant following of low-level drug addicts that he had been assigned to do for the past few months. A few days in to their week-long assignment, the buildings they were guarding had yet to be breached by so much as a stray cat. This being the case, Edward had barely been paying attention tonight.

He had contracted a headache from lack of sleep, as always happened nearing the week-long point, not that that ever helped him actually fall asleep, and had been leaning against a wall, eyes closed for just a few minutes in an attempt to soothe it away ( ... )


lastellacadente June 16 2008, 23:21:41 UTC
Rosalind had no real issues with Night Watch duty. Sure it was often boring. It messed with one's sleep patterns. And it brought many, herself included, close to the building that they'd like to forget. But it had to be done. It was a responsibility. It had to be done so it might as well be done by her.

She had a pattern to her patrol. Check the Main Office building for trouble then go to the Science building and barracks. After those two it was on to check on the warehouse, then back to the Science Division and barracks. If anyone were going to break it then those seemed the two most likely targets. They would be coming for the Commission's firearms or it's secrets. But her way nothing was neglected.

There was a difference between quiet and too quiet. The blackout immediately struck Rosalind as falling into the latter category. But then she was suspicious by nature. Once upon a time she'd been afraid of the dark for its monsters. But now she was strong enough to fight them off thanks largely to one of the very ( ... )


amcexp2208a June 17 2008, 02:53:59 UTC
It started as a low rumble, deep in the science building. Perhaps even a roar, but except for those with exceptional hearing, the concrete and steel and lead and alloy platings that separate the floors of the building muffled the sound. And then the rumble became physical, as the building began to shake a little.

And then, a second later, the rumble because a true, feral, and powerful roar.

Well, it seemed whatever had restrained the experiments below the science building ran on external energy. And here they had thought they'd install the arc reactor to power the lab by last Monday. But paperwork came up, and so did a party. It could wait, right?


With a loud, resounding CRASH something huge that resembled more an ogre or troll of legend than a man burst through the roof of the science building to land on the roof, its-- his?-- towering form silhouetted by the moonlight as it glared down at the guards.


... Party at the AMC, anyone?


lastellacadente June 17 2008, 03:56:19 UTC
Rosalind didn't hear the initial rumblings from within the science building. But the shaking was another story. But she didn't panic. And she didn't run away. Instead, she ran towards it. So much for another quiet night of Night Watch.

Rosalind's eyes widened at the sight of the man, no, thing perched on the roof. She kept her sights on it as she moved through the darkness seeking out the others who shared her patrol. It seems that before they'd found each other, something had found them. "We've got trouble." Not that anyone needed her to tell them that. It was doubtful her words would alert anyone who hadn't heard that horrible roar first.

And Rosalind hates parties.


amcexp2208a June 17 2008, 09:01:52 UTC
Sniffing the air, the huge brute glanced around. It seemed, somehow, to know there were others there, there were others coming... but, for now, it had a perfectly legitimate target, one that looked and talked and smelled like its captors, its creators. Yes, she would be the first.

Bounding into the air, the greenish-gray giant showed off its frightening strength, leg muscles carrying its immense mass high into the air before it landed right in front of the spot where Rosalind had been standing, and, grimly, whether she had moved or stood her ground, it roared again.

It would have vengeance on these soft, puny weaklings.


lastellacadente June 17 2008, 14:41:25 UTC
Rosalind's own muscles tensed when the monster leapt into the air. It jumped so high that she momentarily lost sight of it. But she was already in a state of readiness. She leapt back when the creature crash landed where she had just been standing herself. Her enhancements made the jump look effortless. But that didn't mean she thought that everything would so easy.

Like another Gabrielli girl Rosalind had a fondness for weapons. But she was a little better with them than her sister. She had more training and probably more natural talent as well. Her weapon of choice found its way comfortably in her hand as she took aim. She wasn't going for the kill. Her ammo was enough tranquilizer to bring down a bull elephant -- and probably not enough sleepytime juice at that.

"Easy." Her voice held the same tone as someone speaking with a wild animal. She held no real malice towards the escapee. Monsters don't usually start out as such. But she wasn't expecting the same courtesy.


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