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Comments 351

lacerta_ortus June 14 2008, 01:49:56 UTC
A white and orange suit.

Jesus Christ.

Caiman waited outside Somnifery - a good distance away from the door outside Somnifery, as bad enough he had a lizard head that would be getting attention he didn't want but now he had a, a... a creamcicle suit to wear for the whole shindig.

Just great.

Still, Hokuto did make it for him, in a hurry, and for free. Turning it down? Would be incredibly rude. And while he was rude as hell to strangers and people he didn't like, Hokuto was a friend, so she deserved it from him.

Starting to wish he'd had a few beers before coming over, Caiman peered down the streets, waiting for Hokuto to start driving in.


thebearstars June 14 2008, 02:11:20 UTC
At least Caiman wouldn't look like a dessert on his own. When Hokuto stepped out of her car, it was impossible to miss her. The red dress she had worn to the Hungry Bug the other day was a nun's habit compared to the poofy layers of the rather outrageous outfit she had put together before arriving. Apparently, blue leopard spots and baby pink dresses were as avant-garde as creamcicle suits.

Her heels clacked on the sidewalk as she hurried over to her friend, the fluff on her headband bobbing with each step. She had on an excited smile, obviously thrilled to be spending time with friends and best of all, going to a party.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Hokuto apologized in greeting, pausing to smooth out the white lapels of the admittedly questionable suit, picky about her own work. "It's a charming fit,if I do say so myself." She nodded her approval, pleased, before gesturing towards the entrance. "Well. Shall we?"


lacerta_ortus June 14 2008, 02:24:22 UTC
...What the hell was that? It looked like some 12 year old girl's ghetto ballet outfit!

And Jesus! Just how low cut was that top?! Fucking hell, the whole thing was bizarre and awkard.

Still, Hokuto was his friend. So: Caiman wouldn't say a word about it.

"Yeah." He said, with one nod. "Let's go."


thebearstars June 14 2008, 03:11:16 UTC
It was a good thing Hokuto wasn't the self-conscious type, otherwise she might have wanted a black trench coat to hide herself in. Instead, she was just a bit bubbly, the way she always got at the prospect of a fabulous social gathering. Her V.I.P invitation meant an easy, no-hassle entry to the club-- no weapons check, though Hokuto wasn't armed. She didn't need to be. Still, it was convenient to skip the line.

"I'm terribly pleased that you decided to come," Hokuto remarked conversationally, offering one of her habitual smiles as she made her way up to the Vescovo level of the club. There, the low lights probably made her outfit easier on the eyes. "I was a little worried you wouldn't."


3rd level (open) chasing_fury June 14 2008, 01:59:41 UTC
Friday the thirteenth, a bewitching day for a grand opening, or so Lulu thought as she made her way through the lines and security check.

A withering glance for anyone who tried to look her over too closely--and goddess forbid they suggest her hairsticks be mistaken as concealed weapons--and she was through in no time, perusing the various levels open to her until she came to the third floor, and there she stopped to enjoy the view.

It was just the right sort of ambiance to complement her gothic-geisha image.


Re: 3rd level (open) angelodellasera June 14 2008, 19:23:07 UTC
A hand came to rest on Lulu's shoulder and Soiree moved around so she could see him. He hadn't initially told her he was coming save for a short message on her most recent post. But he figured...hey, he couldn't just leave her again, right?

No words were exchanged as he just gave her a gentle smile. He even leaned in to kiss her cheek. This would be a night of peace for him...he was off the clock and promised himself he wouldn't let himself be heckled by any Vescovos tonight. He didn't even bring his piece...not that he would need it. Soiree's body was his weapon, after all.


Re: 3rd level (open) chasing_fury June 14 2008, 20:04:28 UTC
Lulu recognized his presence even before she'd seen him, having honed her intuition like a sixth sense, but her smile shone even brighter when she looked up and her guess was confirmed.

"You came," she said, pleased, leaning into his touch. Letting him know she was more than a little pleased to see him. Unable to resist a little good-natured teasing after that first shared moment of quiet acknowledgement.

"How did you manage to slip away?"


Re: 3rd level (open) angelodellasera June 15 2008, 03:09:24 UTC
"A miracle, really. I'm still surprised I got tonight off with all the shit going down, but here I am!" he said proudly, smiling like an idiot. An idiot in love, anyways. "Besides, I wouldn't miss a chance like this again after leaving you high and dry last time. Though, from what I understand, you've got a job tonight? I promise I won't interrupt if that's the case," Soiree said, giving her a soft look.


Monacello room; bar [Open] sfigato_quarto June 14 2008, 02:52:06 UTC
Ulquiorra had not really expected to be here at all. Getting Gin’s call about the opening of this club had come as a surprise; especially after how Gin had acted the last time they had been in the same room together. Ulquiorra supposed that this was his second chance. He had to be sure not to mess up or it was game over ( ... )


dolcezzamacabra June 14 2008, 04:18:27 UTC
The instant Gin opened the car door and she stepped onto the turquoise carpet, it was as if Rhode had stepped into a dream. A smart little top and nice black capris set off her freshly gelled hair, low heels much easier to walk in than the shoes she had worn to the fashion show several weeks before. Even as she stood in awe of their surroundings, she let herself be pulled along until they finally exited the elevator on the Monacello floor ( ... )


volpe_grigia June 14 2008, 04:52:11 UTC
Gin watched amusedly as the expressions of excitement and awe spread upon the young girl's face. To be honest, ever since the indicident with the doctors, he had found himself more yielding to her, less aggressive. Witnessing Rhode's savagery in person had done wonders for his opinion of her, and instead of the stray that had been dumped in his lap, Gin now viewed her as unsculpted clay. Malleable and willing and made of stuff not entirely unlike himself or like Hei.

"Do not get carried away, naa?" Gin warned, though his voice was oddly cheerful and affectionate. Bracing himself against the bar, he leaned over her as she sipped at her drink. "Plenty of enemies here, Rhode-kun. We must not let our guard down, naa? I will not abide losing you again, you are very precious, naa?" He smiled at her, showing teeth -- part threat, part joke, part concern. With one hand he smoothed one of her stray hairs before sliding it down and patting her once very gently on the cheek. In his eyes was a small hint of pride ( ... )


sfigato_quarto June 14 2008, 05:04:41 UTC
Ulquiorra looked up and in the direction of Gin as he heard his name called. He stood as fast as he could, face twisting just a little at the pain of his protesting leg and various other sore areas. He wasn’t going to let that bother him tonight. Damn Grimmjow. He needed another drink ( ... )


[OPEN- THIRD FLOOR] myscarsmiles June 14 2008, 03:30:54 UTC
Kristoph pulled up in his newly-washed Aston Martin and stepped out, smiling at the blue carpet. He looked smugly at the enormous line that was growing over there and chuckled to himself. Insignificant pests, he thought idly, as walked around the front of the car and opened the door for Mazikeen. Offering one ringed, newly-manicured hand to his only lady, he glanced towards the door again. Mazikeen took his hand and slowly stepped out, not even wobbling on the stilettos she'd picked out ( ... )


[OPEN- THIRD FLOOR] daughterinexile June 14 2008, 04:19:25 UTC
Throughout the years Mazikeen had attended hundreds of functions on Kristoph's arm, the total of which ran the gambit of size and prestige and formality. Art openings, speeches, intimate Sunday brunches, even several of Franky's house picnics complete with pool and sunscreen. It was the people, she knew, that brought them here -- the chance to absorb, to observe, to interact ( ... )


Re: [OPEN- THIRD FLOOR] myscarsmiles June 14 2008, 16:43:44 UTC
"Because I enjoy watching people be people," he answered, taking a sip and slipping an arm around her waist. He was in a good mood, and it had only been heightened by watching people's incredulous looks as he walked around the line and the weapons check. Nothing like silently putting the masses in their place to cheer him up. "Masses move in such predictable, curious ways. Plus...so many people say so many things, wouldn't you say? So many interesting things..."

His eyes twinkled amusedly behind his glasses as he looked at her. "If you'd know I was such a social butterfly, you'd.. what, mm?"


Re: [OPEN- THIRD FLOOR] canecieco June 14 2008, 18:33:48 UTC
Dean walked in, Kaylee on one arm, and a predatory grin on his face. He wasn't wearing anything flashy, had to keep a low profile if his plan was going to go without a hitch that night. Right. Plan. Yeah, at first he was planning a fun night with Kaylee, drinking, dancing, hanging out with family, but recent words in the rumor hill caught his attention.

Specifically surrounding one Monacello, Bya. A new suspect in who the Hell was part of fucking over his family, and considering this one was a sotto capo - Dean wouldn't doubt it.

Got together with Kris, pulled a few strings, and there was no doubt that he was going to have pay back tonight.

But, a few drinks first.

He led Kaylee to the VIP rooms specifically for the Vescovo family. It was classy, stark white, and Dean was impressed. The beds certainly set the mood for him.

A short distance away, sipping drinks, Dean spotted Kris and his date, Mazi. He sauntered over to the pair.

"Classy, classy, hm?"


★ First Level (Turks + Open ) stray_redbird June 14 2008, 03:39:35 UTC
The violently red hair was the only thing that gave him away, otherwise, he might not have been recognizable. Admittedly, it had been an emotionally painful transformation-- the trademark goggles had been lovingly tucked under a pillow and left at home. Attempts at taming the wild beast on his head had failed, but there was something around his neck that suspiciously resembled a red tie.

But, underneath the black dress shirt and matching black suit, yes, it was in fact Reno of the Turks. Surprisingly cleaned up and oddly professional in appearance, sure. But it was definitely Reno. If the hair didn't betray him, the muscular form of his partner beside him did.

Once inside on the main level and past the weapons check-- he hadn't come armed, cocky enough that he didn't think he needed to be armed-- Reno loosened his tie with a little sound of relief. God, those things were the fucking devil, and after half an hour of trying to get the thing knotted himself, Rude had taken over. He'd succumbed on the way over and loosened the damn ( ... )


Re: ★ First Level (Turks + Open ) black_honor June 14 2008, 04:03:05 UTC
Tseng had asked himself numerous times during the night's preparations why he'd agreed to go. It would be a successful launch for the club, of that he was sure. But it was hardly his scene. Loud music was abhored. Crowds were often worse. But he had been trying as of late, especially when it came to interactions with the others. So wherever they decided to go, Tseng would accompany them. Even willingly so ( ... )


Re: ★ First Level (Turks + Open ) suits_me June 14 2008, 04:19:53 UTC
Her first instinct was to go with a suit. It wasn't just the outward manifestation of her pride as a Turk, it was something of a security blanket too. Maybe that's why her closet was full of them, with little else that was probably more appropriate for clubbing.

Or so she thought. And then Elena remembered it...

She slid into the car with her boss, his comment given little more than a blink and curious tilt of her head. "Sir?" When she was met with only silence, Elena looked down at her own legs as if they were newly discovered limbs.

Everything about the club had her in awe from the start. Her eyes darted from one thing to the next, and more than once she almost bumped into someone or was left behind by Tseng. Obviously, she doesn't get out much. Her hands lifted as a buffer between them when Tseng halted so suddenly. "Sorry." He didn't even acknowledge her apology though. And when Elena followed the path of his eyes, she understood why. "...." She too just stared at Reno...in a tie. A tie. "Sir." There was almost ( ... )


Re: ★ First Level (Turks + Open ) expert_stoic June 14 2008, 04:30:29 UTC
Rude wore a suit on a daily basis, but that was just a business suit and comparatively this suit was far dressier. However, his discomfort was well hidden and he kept his usual air of professionalism. It hadn't taken long for Reno to convince him to get a matching suit, but otherwise his appearance was unchanged and, even though he knew they were going to a club, he was still wearing his usual sunglasses ( ... )


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