☆-- no party like a turk party. (AIM Log) - COMPLETE

May 11, 2008 21:15

WHO: Reno (stray_redbird), Elena (suits_me), Tseng (black_honor).
WHAT: Arriving in Hong Kong to an unusual welcome party.
WHERE: Tseng's accommodations in Hong Kong.
WHEN: After Elena meets with Tseng.

black_honor: Tseng saw to it that they arrived in Hong Kong in style. A first-class flight was followed by a limo that picked them up at the airport. It was more than mere hospitality. He wanted to keep them sheltered. Boxed in.

The limo finally comes to a stop in front of a towering building. "Welcome to Hong Kong." A beautiful young woman opens the door and greets them with a smile. "Please, follow me."

stray_redbird: Reno was restless by the time their long flight from Italy landed. The redhead could only be cooped up in a space for so long before he started to itch to do something or say something reckless. But, he figured his partner wouldn't apreciate him making a bad impression so early on, and he settled for smoking a cigarette instead-- something to occupy his hands and mouth.

He just kept in stride with Elena, observing everything around him subtly with those unnatural eyes from under lazily lowered lashes. He'd let Elena do all the talking- - since the only Mandarin she'd taught him was "fuck off."

suits_me: The best thing about flying first class? All the smoked almonds she could eat! The worst thing about flying first class? All the free champagne Reno could drink. She kept her eye on him during the limo ride, just praying that he didn't throw up in Tseng's car. She didn't really think he would though. She's learned that he has a cast iron gut.

Elena followed the woman into the building, her own eyes bright without the benefit of mako. She had the aura of a puppy...a little too eager for her own good. "We're actually here. Aren't you excited?" She smiled over at her partner before hurrying to catch up with the other young woman. Here was a chance to practice the Mandarin that she'd been studying!

black_honor: The young woman smiled and complimented Elena, even if she was terrible. She didn't dare do anything to insult Mr. Liu's special guests. She entered the elevator with them and pressed the button that took them all the way to the very top. The elevator opened up into a lavish but open penthouse. "Please make yourselves comfortable. Mr. Liu will be with you shortly."

She spoke slowly so that both of them would understand. In the meantime there were plenty of comfy places to sit or even lay down, expensive furnishings, and a bowl of fresh fruit and various liquors on the table.

stray_redbird: Well, if Elena's mysterious contact was trying to make a good impression, he was doing a pretty damn good job. Reno wasn't a hundred percent into the whole arrangement yet--life had taught him to be cynical and skeptical-- but he had to admit, anybody who could afford accommodations like that had to be good at what they did.
"Yeah, I'm real fuckin' thrilled," he answered his partner at length, smoke curling leisurely around his mildly sarcastic words, "If you get anymore excited, you'll bounce off the walls and break something."

suits: Elena frowned at Reno's sarcastic tone. "You probably shouldn't be smoking in here." She pointed out sharply. But the redhead also made a good point.

She blinked at him before settling herself down on the nearest couch. She eyed the bowl of fruit before reaching for a peach. Underneath that was a cluster of smaller, red fruits.

"Hey Reno." She laughed and stuck her tongue out at him while pointing to the cherries. She's obviously enjoying herself. But she's come a long way from tracking down a man whose name she didn't even know to this.

"I wonder how much a place like this costs." Elena mused. She was from a upper middle-class background herself, but this was beyond her family's means.

black_honor: They are given plenty of time to enjoy all that Tseng has to offer before he makes his appearance. The elevator finally dinged once more and he stepped out of it dressed head to toe in his usual black. is long hair was pulled back into a neat ponytail. "Elena." He addressed the one that he knew first with a polite bow of his head. "I trust that your flight was pleasant."

If not the pilot will probably have a date with garotte wire. His almond eyes slid to the man as he spoke. "You must be Reno. I'm honored that you were able to make it." He approached him next and held out his hand.

stray_redbird: Reno wrinkled his nose at their little fruit joke, making a face right back at her. He looked as if he was about to say something catty in return, but the sound of the elevator dinging drew his attention. An impeccable man stepped out-- a stark contrast to Reno, who worse his dress clothes with casual sloppiness. The air of authority left no question as to who this was.

Still, Reno didn't seem as if he felt obligated to do anything special. He exhaled a lungful of cancerous smoke, watching their host with curious, unashamed eyes.

"Sure, who would wanna miss gettin' their ass dragged half-way across the world, right?" Reno answered dryly, though he accepted the other man's hand, the motion smooth enough that only someone very perceptive would be able to tell he wasn't right-handed.

suits: Elena dropped the peach like it was something that might burn her hand when she heard the elevator ding. She stood and hurried forward, wanting to be the first that Tseng greeted. And she was. "It was perfect. Thank you Sir!" She smiled at him, but that smile faded a little. Uh-oh. The inevitable introduction of Reno and Tseng.
She knew it was coming, feared and dreaded it. And her partner didn't disappoint. "Reno!" She hissed his name before looking fearfully at Tseng's face. It's a long walk back to Italy...

black_honor: Perception was Tseng's business. He noted that Reno was left-handed without giving away that he realized it. Tseng himself was ambidextrous. Learned, not born.

Fear not, Elena. Reno's attire nor his attitude rattled the Asian man in the least. The woman from before had followed him out of the elevator and held large ornate boxes in her arms.

"Please accept these gifts as a sign of my gratitude." He reached for the first one and presented it to Elena. The second box was taken and offered to Reno. "Or apology." He smiled thinly at Reno.

stray_redbird: Reno lifted his cigarette to his mouth and held it there before accepting the box curiously with both hands. Cradling it in his right arm, the redhead opened it, peering inside. Something like interest flickered in the mako-brightness of his eyes. A wry smile curled at the corners of that snarky mouth.

He set the box down and drew out a weapon of deceptively simple design. It felt made for his grip, and was perfect for the style of short-range combat he preferred. Admittedly, even skeptical and cheeky Reno was maybe starting to be won over.

"Sign me up with this guy," he remarked, a little mocking and never quite serious, but nonetheless obviously pleased with his gift. "Wife never gets me anything this fuckin' good."

suits: Elena gradually started to relax again. Obviously, Tseng had dealt with guys like Reno in the past. Or at least somewhat like him -- somehow she was of the opinion that he was one of a kind.

And she was still getting used to him. "You didn't have to do that Mr. Liu." She smiled before opening her box and blinked down at the contents. "Reno, it's a cheongsam!" Funny how they'd been talking about that.

She took it out and held it against her body, but even she seemed a little doubtful. She hadn't tried to deliberately look like a girl since high school. She smirked and rolled her eyes a little at Reno. But she was happy that he was starting to let his guard down, just a little bit. Guess all it took was a gift capable of lethal force to win him over.

black_honor: Tseng watched them open their gifts. An expression of self-satisfaction crossed his face when he saw that they were to their liking. He doesn't like being wrong. Not that he often is.
His attention turned from Elena's admiration of her dress to Reno's words. "Wife?" He repeated with an arched brow. "I see." He gazed at Elena once more. "If I might be so bold, you are a lucky man. Wives are a blessing. I'm fortunate to have three of them." He stepped forward to the table where he poured some brandy into a glass.

"Consider this your honeymoon. My suite has a hot tub, a vibrating bed, and of course mirrors." All said matter-of-factly with a knowing look to Reno.

stray_redbird: Reno must have given Tseng the flattest, most deadpan possible look in the history of mankind. It lasted for a long moment, and then the redhead abruptly burst out laughing, his unnaturally bright eyes crinkling a little at the corners with the fullness of it. He forgot sometimes how a nickname like "Wife" sounded to people-- not that "Cherry" was any better.

"You don't actually think..." The redhead gestured at himself first then Elena. "I mean, Jesus, she sure as fuck nags me damn bad enough." He quirked a cheeky grin. "But that's, y'know, jus' what I call her."

Although, damn, three wives? Who was this guy anyways, Bruce Wayne? Obviously rich and successful, and apparently a ladies' man, though Reno had trouble imagining this guy loosening up.

suits: Elena likewise stared at him blankly. For once she and Reno were in agreement. The mention of all those things...the idea that someone thought they...

The blonde suddenly felt a little weak. Or nauseous. Maybe both. She sat down on the couch, still holding her dress. "We're not really married." She pointed out firmly. Her mind was also going over the 'three wives' thing. She shouldn't feel so disappointed. This was just business. "Thank you for the dress Mr. Liu." Elena smiled before folding it and placing it back in the box.

black_honor: He glanced in-between them. Clearly he doesn't get it. But his sense of humor is lacking. "I see." He doesn't. "It's probably just as well." He nods. "Young brides can be troublesome. They require a firm hand at times." He picks up his glass before stepping over to Elena. "Speaking of hands. May I have yours Elena?" But not in marriage.

And not to help her stand up again. When it's offered to him Tseng slides the tip of her index finger over the underside of his ring. It's sharpened like a blade and slices the skin to allow a few drops of her blood to fall into the brandy.

stray_redbird: It was true, Elena probably knew Reno better than anybody else. She knew all his bad habits, and some of his good ones. She'd dealt with him sick and weak. She'd seen all his tattoos, and shared one with him.

But marriage? Fuck, no. That was totally out of the equation. Partnership, to Reno anyways, was ten times as good.

Although, it was starting to look like their partnership was taking on another addition. If it had to be somebody, Reno had to respect that Elena had picked someone that was likely-- as much as he hated to admit it-- more capable than either one of them separately was. Whether he could handle or best their team was yet to be seen.

Reno watched curiously as Tseng took Elena's hand, those mako-bright eyes narrowing faintly when he noticed blood fall from her hand into Tseng's drink. He didn't speak though, just watched.

suits: Elena blinked out of her thoughts to lift her eyes to Tseng's face at his request. Truthfully, there -was- a moment when she thought she was about to become bride number four.

She's not sure how she would've felt about that in the long run, but at the moment she was relieved to find out that she was wrong. The blade on the other side of his ring was so sharp that she didn't feel any pain, but that just made the sight of her blood even more of a surprise. She attempted to pull her hand away after a few drops splashed into the alcohol. There was a questioning, but wary look on her face.

Her blind faith was on the verge of wavering.

black_honor: "It is tradition." Tseng states to one or the other. Maybe both. "Initiates of my brotherhood always stand before the altar of Guan Yu and drink wine mixed with their own blood."

He tilts his head at Reno almost expectantly. But for some reason decides not to approach the man. If they're truly partner's one's blood should do. Tseng closed his eyes and drank deeply.

"I won't require you to take the thirty-six oaths however." Yet another ding of the elevator caused Tseng to turn his head in that direction. A small group of men piled out of it. Now it was time for business. Though none of the men appeared to be heavily armed, a couple of them were on the larger side. Most had a small club in hand, and in a couple of cases a meat cleaver.

stray_redbird: Reno's eyes flickered to the elevator. Surprisingly, his facial expression gave away little-- it was time to drop the stupid, loud-mouth antics. The advantage had just been tipped seriously the other way. In his head, he counted how many men there were. Armed and big. Not Reno's favorite combination.

The mako would give him an edge. He was fast, but not built for too much heavy impact. Those blunt clubs weren't looking too hot. But, hey, courtesy of Tseng, he was efficiently armed. Still, his body didn't tense in alarm, and he didn't look anything but mildly annoyed, still smoking his cigarette. If he had to fight, he'd be all fluid motion and speed-- it wouldn't do to get tight and nervous.

"Business, huh?" Reno asked wryly, glancing at Tseng with those bright eyes of his, his gaze half-lidded and deceptively lazy. "Sure. Let's get right down fuckin' to it, yeah?"

suits: Elena lifted her finger to her mouth, her tongue washing away the iron taste of her own blood. The elevator earned just a curious look at first since she just figured it was the woman coming back again. She was a little alarmed when she saw otherwise. Elena stood up and moved to Reno's side, her eyes never leaving the men.

She was feeling more and more like this was a big mistake. But she didn't feel like she was in over her head just yet. She'd dealt with thugs before, and that's all these guys appeared to be. Somewhat armed, but without any unnatural advantages. "If nothing else, we'd certainly pretty up your group Mr. Liu." She muttered darkly.

black_honor: Five men to be exact. And just as Elena thought, garden variety brutes. Not fast, not smart. "Calm down." Tseng said the words more for the woman's benefit than Reno's.

"I want your heartbeat to be the same whether you're fighting or brushing your teeth." He spoke in Italian which the Chinese men behind him obviously didn't understand. "These men have all broken oaths of our brotherhood. They're slated for execution. This is your training. Of course they believe they're here to off a couple of foreigners."

stray_redbird: Reno listened, breathing out lazy curls of smoke before putting his cigarette out, the mako blaze of his eyes the only hint that this scrawny, nonchalant redhead was anything to be worried about. But, he was obviously less concerned than his partner-- maybe cocky, or just experienced enough to be confident.

"We ain't been here long," Reno answered smoothly,his voice a leisurely drawl, though his gaze was sharp and unwavering. "But you already got us doin' your dirty work, eh?"

But despite his words, the sublte hint of malice in the wry smile at Reno's mouth suggested he didn't really mind getting his hands dirty-- wanted to, even. He'd been restless since they'd touched down.

"Guess you better hope these sorry fuckers don't leave stains on your carpet."

suits: This wasn't the kind of training that Elena had in mind. But she wasn't in any position to back down now. For once the blonde wasn't running her mouth.

She merely tugged a pair of black gloves on over her hands. They were weighted across the knuckles and in the palm...gave 'hits like a girl' more meaning. "I told you in your office that I'm not an assassin."

Though she doesn't have to think about it that way. If the men are there to kill them as well, this is more like self-defense. The mention of bloodstains brings a frown to her lips. Dammit, her best suit! And after she'd managed to replace the one Reno got sick on too. She sighed to herself. From now on she's just wearing whatever's in Reno's closet.

black_honor: Reno's words were met with a rare smile. "Welcome to Hong Kong." During the day they would be treated to fine restaurants, clubs, even the red light district if they so desired.

But for the next seven nights, they were looking at the possibility of this. Tseng turned away and stepped towards the elevator to leave. Two of the men charged past him in their direction. They could divide them up however they wanted as long as the five ended up dead. Tseng would be disappointed if his guests took their last breath in his penthouse.

stray_redbird: Reno's smile was perfectly wicked when the elevator doors shut behind Tseng. He'd been practically dying to try out his gift anyways. This was just what the doctor ordered. Between him and Elena, it had to be fifteen minutes tops before all three men were down for the count-- Reno hadn't spared the carpet either.

In fact, he didn't seem to feel bad about offing five strangers at all-- no, rather, he was perfectly in his element. His style was a little flashy, sure, but he killed quick and merciless. Surprising, from the world's biggest slacker. Ever. Maybe that was a side-effect of the mako too-- blood lust, a removal of conscience. Or maybe, it was just a side-effect of lifestyle.

Reno was lighting a new cigarette as soon as they were finished, lifting a thumb to his face to wipe off a speck of blood from under his marked cheekbones. "He'll hafta do better than that," he drawled quietly, eyes back to half-lidded-- content, with poison smoke warming his lungs and blood splatters on his white shirt.

suits: Elena hadn't been gifted with a weapon...unless she could put on that dress and cause the men to laugh themselves to death. The bowl that held the fruit was the first thing to crash over someone's head. An expensive vase the next. And over and over again until the man went down and stayed down.

She tempted another by feigning retreat onto the balcony, and when he'd rushed her moved quickly out of his way. If she had one advantage, it was speed. She leaned over the balcony, watching as the man fell into the darkness below.

She couldn't see it when he hit, but she could hear the sickening crunch of his body when it hit the concrete below. Hopefully that wouldn't bring trouble to the top floor anytime soon. But if it did...she was starting to get used to it. Elena sighed and returned to the room to find that Reno had done away with the rest of them. There was less blood on her, and a few more bruises.

Overall she just looked a little tired and a little disappointed. She thought she was going to be spending time on a shooting range!

black_honor: Tseng had joined the young woman from earlier downstairs. He sat straight and calm as she poured him some tea. After only fifteen minutes a bald man in a suit and sunglasses came to whisper something in his ear. His eyes widened slightly. Already? He knew they'd be a good investment. "See to it that they have anything they want." Tseng murmured. "And 'introduce' them to the next group of traitors tomorrow night."

tseng liu, reno sinclair, elena

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