[aim log/complete]

May 04, 2008 23:50

WHO: Ulquiorra Schiffer (sfigato_quarto) and Dr. Robert Chase (cacciare)
WHAT: An emergency doctor's visit.
WHERE: Ulquiorra's apartment.
WHEN: Appx. Day 11. Immediately after Ulquiorra and Grimmjow's latest fight.

sfigato_quarto: This was certainly not the outcome that Ulquiorra had expected. How annoying. He didn't even know how to begin to treat the various wounds all over his body. The only way he had gotten home was to wrap his black jacket over the wound in his leg as tightly as possible. His shoulder was another story. He had gotten a lot of blood on his clothes before, but never his own, and never quite as much as was on them now.

He had collapsed by the door of his small apartment. He was glad that entry space was titled, or else he would have just another headache trying to get the blood off of carpet too. He had given that doctor Gin had suggested his address already, and all he had to do was wait. It seemed like he had spent most of the night waiting for things. It was starting to irritate him ever so slightly under his emotionless surface.

cacciare: The directions were remarkably clear. Chase was rather impressed, since he knew that Ulquiorra was bleeding. But that he was still capable of clear thought was a good sign. He stopped at the door of the apartment, shifting the case of medical supplies, and stifled his instinct to enter without knocking. He knew what Ulquiorra did for the family. No sudden movements.

He knocked on the door.

sfigato_quarto: Ulquiorra's rational thought was not something that left him even when he was as injured as he was. Even losing this much blood was not cause for him to let his emotions rise to the surface. Those who panic died. It was that simple. He was no fool.

He heard the footsteps outside, and figured it was Chase, but pulled his gun just in case. The knock on the door made it clear it wasn't anyone trying to sneak up on him, but one could never be too safe. He was in no position to let Chase in, but he had left the door unlocked because he knew that soon his leg would fail him.

“Come in. It is unlocked,” Ulquiorra called, flatly.

cacciare: Chase pushed open the door and moved easily into the room, scanning it quickly for the occupant. He never moved too fast, and the only thing in his hands was the case filled with his supplies. He found Ulquiorra, and then saw the gun. He stilled, raising his free hand to show it was free. "I would feel better about fixing you up if I didn't feel you were going to put the next hole in me," he said mildly.

sfigato_quarto: Ulquiorra kept the gun pointed at the door even after he saw that the man was clearly the doctor Gin had told him about. He hesitantly laid it on the floor. "A simple precaution," Ulquiorra answered. He didn't seem particularly distressed for someone who was bleeding on the floor. He held up the hand that used to hold the gun. "I put it down. You may feel at ease."

cacciare: Chase made a noncommittal sound, and shoved the door closed with his foot as he moved towards the prone man. Guns didn't bother him. Rather, they seemed to keep him in business. He just preferred not to see them pointed at his own head. Kneeling, he could easily see two wounds. Setting the case down and opening it, he asked, "What happened?"

sfigato_quarto: Ulquiorra continued to watch Chase carefully out of his one open eye. The other had been shut by dried blood. The entire side of his face looked like it had had a bad run in with something sharp. Ulquiorra moved slowly, pulling back what used to be a white button-up shirt, but was now mostly red-stained ribbons . His white arms were stained red all the way up, and he tried feebly to undo the tight knot of his jacket that he had made around his leg, but failed. Ulquiorra grew a little more visibly irritated as his hands would not stop shaking long enough to try again at the knot.

"Do you make a habit of asking everyone you treat what happened?" Ulquiorra evenly returned, traces of anger barely making it to the surface. He wanted Chase to stop talking and fix him. Or at the very least make the throbbing pain go away.

cacciare: "Actually, yes." Chase noted the increased coordination, and frowned slightly. If he didn't work quickly, he would have to put blood back into the man, and he didn't have the precise supplies for that with him. "I need to know what happened so that I know what I'm treating and how to do it." His own hands were steady as he gently pushed aside Ulquiorra's, not once stopping or refocusing his attention while he talked. "Better to leave them tied for the moment," he explained quietly, getting what he needed to start cleaning the wounds. "Do you make a habit of preventing everyone who treats you from doing their best?"

sfigato_quarto: "That is fine," Ulquiorra replied, dryly. "But they are simple puncture wounds. No bullets. One in my shoulder and one in my leg. The wound on my face is a scrape and a bruise from being struck in the face." His explanation of the situation was cool and collected even though he had just suffered a crushing defeat and was in a great deal of pain. He blinked once as Chase pushed away his hands. "Alright," he said in passing. He looked up at Chase again when the remark left the doctor's mouth. "When I am unsure of them, yes..." The youth had never had to see Doctor Chase before.

cacciare: Chase didn't look up from his work as Ulquiorra spoke, and his hands never ceased to be gentle as he cleaned the wound one the young man's leg, discarding cleaning cloths as they became too bloodied to use. "Unless you have spent the requisite eleven to sixteen years getting your medical degree," he glanced up, raising an eyebrow, daring Ulquiorra to contradict him. "And I suspect based on the fact that I had to be called in that you haven't-don't you think you should let me determine what's important information for me to have and what's not?" Chase's voice was still mild and he bent over the young man's leg again.

sfigato_quarto: Ulquiorra frowned as he listened to Chase. Ulquiorra had barely lived longer than Chase had been studying medicine at nineteen years. His one open eye narrowed in annoyance. "Until you have fought for your life and willing killed--which judging by your line of work you haven't--Don't you think you should let me decide what I should disclose about my line of work and what I should not?" Ulquiorra was only half lying. This fight had not been a job, but it had been like one...or completely unlike one. His targets usually did not see him coming in time to inflict this much damage. This had just been a challenge, and there in lay the problem. If Gin found out that Ulquiorra had injured himself this badly outside of the job for the sake of his pride, he did not know what punishment his cruel master would devise. He would be unable to do his job for an undetermined amount of time now, and all because of a stupid challenge. Ulquiorra did want to admit it. Admitting it meant more pain was in store for him, or some other horrible punishment.

cacciare: Chase laughed softly at Ulquiorra's response. The young man was unlike most of his normal patients; they would have simply complied and made his job simpler. Instead of continuing the-for lack of a better word-argument, Chase changed topics, even as he prepared the next procedure. "I need to know if you have any medical conditions." He pulled out a thin needle and thread. "Anything that I might need to do to treat you that your body will reject," he explained.

sfigato_quarto: The laugh shut Ulquiorra up anyway. He had not expected that kind of response, but he knew it might have had something to do with the company he had been keeping for the night that had led him to think that. "That needle," Ulquiorra stated, plainly. "You will break it. If that is what you mean by my body rejecting things." Ulquiorra smirked ever so slightly, even if he was starting sweat a little more and the vision in his one seeing eye was growing hazy. "You must be aware of the Monacello's experiments. My skin is reinforced. If you have painkillers, they must be in a form I can swallow." He did not know if Gin had talked to Chase about his condition, but it appeared not. "Or you must try to inject into one of my open wounds," he added after a bit of thought.

cacciare: Chase made a mental note, both about the skin and the slightly unfocused look of Ulquiorra's one visible eye, and put the needle away. Well, he would just have to bandage them as closed as he could get and hope they healed on their own. It would probably take longer. He factored that into the timeline in his head. At the mention of painkillers and glanced sidelong at the young man. He thought about asking if the young man required painkillers, and then rejected the idea. He dug through the case for a moment before coming up with the pills he was searching for. "I'm going to bandage your leg, and then I'm going to get you into bed," he said, mostly for his own benefit as he pulled out a roll of medical tape.

sfigato_quarto: Ulquiorra could heal quite quickly normally thanks to whatever had been done to him in those labs, but this was usually assuming that he had all of his blood. He had never lost this much blood before, so he was unsure what his body would do. Ulquiorra did require painkillers. He had required them for a long time. Just because he was not screaming did not mean that he was not in excruciating pain. Sometimes his emotionless mask had its downsides. Was Chase under the impression that the gapping wound where Grimmjow had stuck his fingers did not hurt at all? Ulquiorra did not like pondering this question. It was getting harder to see and he could tell that he had broken out in a cold sweat. Not to mention his breath was getting a little ragged. "And my shoulder?" Ulquiorra asked.

cacciare: "I'll treat it once you're lying down and anesthetized." He managed to close the wound quickly, wrapping a bandage around it as well. He noticed that his patient was rapidly speeding towards unconsciousness on his own and his concern grew. He looked up from the leg and shook three pills out of the bottle. "I need you to take these," he said firmly. "Can you swallow them dry?" He held them close to Ulquiorra's lips.

sfigato_quarto: "Then I will trust that you will replace my sheets," he muttered, bitterly. He did not like the idea of getting his blood everywhere in his small apartment. But he was in no condition to argue. Not anymore. Ulquiorra regarded the pills with his half-lidded eye. He really wished Chase would remove the caked blood from his other eye so he could open it, but that was perhaps asking too much. "I can try," he replied. Ulquiorra managed to get two down before he started coughing and it appeared he would not be able to down any more.

cacciare: It would do. The pills were part painkiller and part blood clotting agent. Chase berated himself for forgetting that he should have given them to the patient first. "I'm going to help you to the bed. It's going to hurt, I'm sorry. The pills should start helping very soon, though." He didn't give Ulquiorra time to protest as he shifted so that he could slide and arm around the young man's waist-on his uninjured side-and lever them both upright.

sfigato_quarto: Ulquiorra was too tired to reply. He was too dizzy to put up any sort of protest anyway. At this point he could not fight against anyone, and he let himself be moved by Chase. Ulquiorra was very skinny and light, thus fairly easy to move.

As for the bedroom, it was not that hard to find. The door opened to the kitchen, which had a door to the small living space a few paces from the door. From the small living space, there were two doors, one to the bathroom adjacent to where the door was, and the other being the equally tiny bedroom, almost completely taken up by the bed alone.

cacciare: It was easier than he'd thought to get Ulquiorra to the bed, and he could already tell that the blood was beginning to slow and clot. He cleaned the patient's shoulder rather more quickly than he had his leg, but no less thoroughly, focusing his entire attention on it. He noted that it wasn't quite a clean cut as the other-or rather that it had been, but something had been done so that it wasn't anymore-and closed the wound with more tape. The bandage for the shoulder required a bit more maneuvering, but he managed it. Those were the wounds he was worried about, so once they were closed he relaxed marginally, and turned his attention to Ulquiorra's face.

sfigato_quarto: His blood might have been clotting, but the throbbing in his head and his vision was getting worse. Ulquiorra was now thoroughly dizzy after the move. Because of this he remained quite, half conscious with both of his eyes shut. Every once and a while he would open his good eye to see what Chase was doing.

Ulquiorra's face was a different story. There were burn marks from the friction of some of the hits over his bad eye, gashes, bruises, and what looked like claw marks all over his face. The youth's face that could have been considered 'pretty' was a complete mess.

cacciare: Once the blood was gone and the wounds had been sterilized to hold off infection, Chase set about determining whether any of them were deep enough to worry about. There were some that were, and he used a small tube of-essentially-glue so close them. He was more concerned about Ulquiorra's eye. He was careful about cleaning the blood from around it, and was pleased to find that the young man's eye was undamaged. Unaware that he did it, he made a soft sound of relief.

sfigato_quarto: The claw marks on his face went all the way down to his chest, and varied in depth. The glue stung a little bit, but everything was starting to get hazy. Ulquiorra hoped that this was the result of the painkillers and not something worse.

When his eye was clean, it fluttered open. Ulquiorra blinked a few times with both of his eyes this time. Luckily both were in one piece. But he was sure that something strange would have happened if one had been injured seeing as his eyes were another part of his body modified by the experiments. He just watched Chase in silence for a few moments, the soft sort of haze of either the pain medication or the blood loss finally visibly affecting the young man.

cacciare: He worked the shredded remains of Ulquiorra's shirt off, and set to work. Chase worked silently but steadily. It was one of his best features-or so everyone said-that he was so focused and so determined in everything he did. If pressed, Chase would have been forced to admit that he couldn't remember the last thing he had failed at, once he had really set his mind to accomplishing it. The claw marks had mostly stopped bleeding, and only the one's that hadn't required more than a minute of his attention.

sfigato_quarto: Ulquiorra could understand dedication. He could understand focus. He respected it. Chase wasn't so bad after a while, and he certainly knew what he was going. He was glad that Gin had told him to get Chase to help him instead of some other doctor. He had no idea how he could have explained his condition to anyone outside of the Monacello who knew what he was.

Ulquiorra could say that he also rarely failed at his job, which was the complete opposite of Chase's job. Well, he had not failed until tonight. His failure would no doubt stay with him, and make that lunatic continue to pursue him. It was not the best thing to which to look forward.

"Are you almost done?" Ulquiorra mumbled, incoherently.

cacciare: Chase's head moved slightly at the voice, as if he started to turn towards the voice and then decided against it at the last moment. Really, though, it was just a way for him to show that he had heard, without looking away. "Yes," he murmured softly. "I'll give you a sedative when I'm done, and unless you tell me not to, I'll stay to make sure that your wounds stay closed and don't start bleeding again."

sfigato_quarto: Ulquiorra was silent for a while as his confused brain processed the information. As private as he was, it was probably a good idea to have someone he knew to be competent look after him at least until morning. He was going to call on Rabi to keep him company later if the other wouldn't mind, but tonight he had no one. "It may be safer if you stay. At least until morning." That wasn't too far away at this rate, but still a good course of action. "It will perhaps be boring," Ulquiorra added, though he knew he would be just as social sedated as he was awake.

cacciare: He glanced up at the young man's face and smiled faintly. "Much of the medical practice is," he confided softly. Straightening from bending over Ulquiorra-and ignoring how his back complained-he moved to his kit to find the sedatives. "I won't hold it against you." Finding them, he and shaking two pills free, he looked at his patient again. "I'll get you a glass of water," he said, moving out of the room.

sfigato_quarto: "I see," Ulquiorra said, half-dreamily, if such a thing was possible for the man. "Good." He watched as Chase left the room. He figured the doctor was smart enough to find the glasses in the small kitchen without any directions. He would need water if any pills were going to go down.

cacciare: He returned with the glass, and this time he knelt next to the bed. He held the pills to Ulquiorra's lips until he opened them. Lifting the young man carefully, just high enough to so that Chase could hold the glass of water to his mouth and tip the liquid in slowly.

sfigato_quarto: Ulquiorra put up no resistance, letting Chase move him however he wished. He took the pills in his mouth and drank some of the water to swallow them. He would have liked to tip the glass himself, but he found that he did not have the strength to lift his battered arms anymore. The best thing truly was for him to rest. Now he waited for another, and hopefully the last thing for the night: waiting for the sedatives to kick in and take him away from the annoyance and the blow to his pride his loss and his injuries was.

cacciare: Chase waited until his patient was out, and then settled himself on the floor, his back against the bed. With the dosage of sedatives he'd given Ulquiorra, he figured that the young man would be out for at least five hours, if his guess about his changed body chemistry was correct. He leaned his head back against the bed, closing his eyes and focusing on Ulquiorra's breathing.

[["Morning After" scene is shortly to follow!]]

ulquiorra schiffer, robert chase

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