WHO: Zachary "Lucio" Bosch (azeitgeist), Alucard (toothsomehound). WHAT: A visit in exchange for honey cake. WHERE: Alucard's haunted house. WHEN: Day 165, late afternoon.
Alucard, busy finishing up his repairs of the stairwell to the upper floors, didn't acknowledge his visitor's call. Cincinel, who had previously been lazing at his side idly pawing at a nail, did, and sprang to his feet, letting loose a sonorous bark that seemed to have very little to do with the skinny golden chest it came out of. The man tossed his dog a look, stood, dusting himself off, and frowned at the steps. Cincinel bounded down the stairs and bobbled there, body stretched lean and excited. He was clearly waiting for Alucard to catch up
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SORRY FOR THE REPOSTazeitgeistOctober 24 2008, 00:41:38 UTC
It was everything Zach could do not to crawl on top of a piece of furniture when he heard the dog's deep-throated welcome, knocking his shoulder back against the open threshold of the door behind him in clumsy surprise. He cursed under his breath, remembering Alucard's warning but trying not to let it get to him. No bloodthirsty hounds would go after him while he was a guest in someone else's house, right? He could sue them, or whatever. Not that Zach wanted to do something like that; he'd rather keep the peace. Maybe he should've brought steak along
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NP <33333333333333toothsomehoundOctober 24 2008, 02:20:24 UTC
At hearing Lucio's- Zach's- mutter concerning Lazarus, Alucard chuckled. "If he is bothering you, I can have Cincinel take him upstairs." The sound of his name made the dog's frilly ears perk up. Alucard smoothed them down and turned his attention to his guest. The way that Zach picked his way into the room, then stood quite firmly in the doorway, almost made Alucard laugh himself silly. He restrained the impulse and instead adjusted his shirtsleeves. "If you are uncomfortable here, we can certainly move back to the kitchen
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"No, it's fine," the teenager replied casually, eyes drifting toward the aforementioned dog. Seeing it in front of him didn't make him any more eager to enter further, but he wasn't up for evacuating into kitchen either--he wanted to explore as many rooms as Alucard would let him; he wouldn't cower away from a tiny hole. Okay, so it wasn't tiny, but it was still a hole. And holes didn't bug Zach. He just needed to make sure he didn't trip into any of them. "We can stay--" his sentence cut off prematurely, and he almost stumbled when the cat--Lazarus, right?--wound himself around Zach's feet. Recovering, he finished, "--we can stay in here. It's no problem
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