Jun 03, 2008 22:58

'm lookin' for a seller o' interestin' wares. If'n y'all could point me in any right direction, it'd be very kind. More details if'n ya ask me real personal-like.

mildmay the fox

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Comments 18

gambler_osiris June 4 2008, 05:04:30 UTC
Interesting wares, you say?


{ locked } milly_fox June 4 2008, 05:18:32 UTC
A dealer, act'ly, o' drugs, in gen'ral, and White Anemone in partic'lar. Know where I might be lookin'? I ain't with no group o' fellas. Got a private employer who wants hisself a supply.


Re: { locked } gambler_osiris June 4 2008, 05:22:49 UTC
The Monacello family sells directly out of my Casino, which is amusing as I am in Vescovo territory.

There's also that boy Matt...my brother is "friends" with him.


Re: { locked } milly_fox June 4 2008, 05:25:52 UTC
We're lookin' to supply WA and other o' the like out o' our club, if'n you'd like to set somethin' up. Or tell me who in Mona to contact 'bout it.


[locked] lungrot June 4 2008, 05:28:16 UTC
interesting wares, yeah? what's your pleasure?


Re: [locked] milly_fox June 4 2008, 05:51:11 UTC
D'Arby mention you, so I think you c'n supply what it is 'm lookin' for. I need a seller and wares for a club o' the reg'lar gamot o' drugs, and a nice supply o' White Anemone. I c'n pay ya now up front for a starting load o' mixed shit, and set up somethin' reg'lar if'n it pleases ya. I could prob'ly set ya up with a direct job with my employer, too, if'n you're more int'rested in reg'lar money.


[locked] lungrot June 4 2008, 06:10:07 UTC
d'arby huh. i can't say i expected that, but whatever. i can do you up good, no problem-- just tell me exactly what you need and how much of it. the white doesn't come cheap, though ; better be ready to turn out your pockets. wouldn't mind some regular cash, either.


Re: [locked] milly_fox June 4 2008, 06:24:20 UTC
S'fine by me. M'employer's footin' the bill. We're havin' a big blowout party on the thirteenth that we need stock for. How much time'll you need to get so much as we need? I'll be meetin' you at the club Somnifery -- that new 'un -- on a date o' your choosin'. You'll recognize me, believe you me.


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