AU: La Paz, Bolivia

Feb 02, 2009 16:41

The main advantage of La Paz is that it is cooler, and thus she can get away with wearing pants to places she normally wouldn't. And in the cool nights of June, this means she can wear dress pants to Chifa Emy (with a suitably dressy blouse, naturally) instead of a cocktail dress. Cocktail dresses just aren't designed with hiding weapons in mind ( Read more... )

character: dominic greene, ic: canon!au

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ofgreatinterest February 2 2009, 06:15:58 UTC
'I was delayed,' won't fly, will it?

At any rate, when he does show up, it's with apologies to the people at the door, and an immediate focus on finding Camille.

(he should probably be nervous)

(he isn't, really)

"Je suis désolé, mon chéri."


ofgreatinterest February 3 2009, 06:14:24 UTC
"Ah, merci."

At the least, he's going to wait until they've had dinner.

Because - really - in the event of a no, he would really rather not have to sit through it.


onlyneed1shot February 3 2009, 06:22:45 UTC
There is also the consideration that Camille does, actually, like food, and given he's already running late, he might as well let someone's else good cooking smooth the edges of her quick temper.

Which, a little while later, is exactly what has happened, if that faint and unconscious smile of hers is to judge.

Chifa Emy really is the best Chinese in La Paz.


ofgreatinterest February 3 2009, 06:57:49 UTC
He is not fidgeting. But he is not strictly at ease, either.

Legs crossed, one elbow on the table, arms folded over each other, the small box in his pocket is heavier than he remembers, but.

A little self-consciously, he tilts his head to one side to look over at her.


(It occurs to him that he could have planned this better. At which point he shuts that thought up.)


onlyneed1shot February 3 2009, 07:01:46 UTC
He has her attention. Not all of it, as they are in public and she is what she is (paranoid), but still a good deal of it.

"Yes, ma chère?"


ofgreatinterest February 3 2009, 07:08:18 UTC
And the box is on the table, partially obscured by his hand. (he looks as though he can't entirely believe himself - he can't - but he can still meet her eyes, and he's smiling, it must count for something)

"I've something to ask."


onlyneed1shot February 3 2009, 07:08:56 UTC
Camille raises her eyebrows.



ofgreatinterest February 3 2009, 16:30:42 UTC
"Would you --"

(he's leaning forward now, both elbows on the table, voice low enough that only she will hear, one hand supporting the bottom of the box, the other cracking it open to reveal a ring, and his voice is steady, both eyes on her)

"-- marry me?"

And, all things told, it sounds more like a business proposition than a proposal.


onlyneed1shot February 3 2009, 22:27:50 UTC
He is close enough that he can see her eyes widen, see her mouth fall open (not a lot, but enough to be noticable), close enough to see her stare at him.

Pure shock.

(it is a lovely ring)

Oddly enough, the fact that it sounds - somehow, but that is Dominic for you - like a business proposition is what kickstarts her brain again.

"Why are you asking me?"


ofgreatinterest February 4 2009, 02:55:42 UTC
Dominic would be more amused by her reaction if he were not the one asking.

"Why am I considering marriage, or you in particular?"


onlyneed1shot February 4 2009, 07:10:35 UTC

She takes a drink, then a deep breathe.

"But concentrating on the question of me."


ofgreatinterest February 6 2009, 03:10:47 UTC
She does drive a hard bargain.

"One, because it could prove to be beneficial for both of us and because defying the social norm isn't something one gets away with for too long.

"Two, because you're the only woman in whose abilities I have confidence, and because I love you."

(all of this is said very assuredly - the very last part is breezed over particularly well, and if pressed, he will admit to the fact that love seemed more appropriate than like, or anything similarly mild)


onlyneed1shot February 6 2009, 05:15:55 UTC
Camille has been proposed to before. Twice, to be precise (normally the men she is with are married) and in both of those occasions, she had said no.

The second time was handled far, far better than the first.

She doesn't think she is handling her third proposal at all well. Far too few words in her mind at present.

"I didn't...know that."


ofgreatinterest February 6 2009, 05:45:46 UTC
He nods to one side, and doesn't bother with responding verbally.

He's said his piece, and that is not exactly a question, so.

Running circles around it is not what he wants to be doing.


onlyneed1shot February 6 2009, 05:51:40 UTC
Sometimes, Camille is good at hiding what is on her face. Sometimes, she isn't. Sometimes, she lets it show because she can't find the words.

Biting her bottom lip slightly, frowning and looking...almost wistful, she reaches out for the box. She doesn't pick it up, just runs her finger over the top of the ring.

"I...I can't. Not." Pause, and a long one. "Not at the moment, Dominic."

Saying that hurt.

She didn't expect it to fucking hurt.


ofgreatinterest February 6 2009, 06:05:56 UTC
And he hadn't expected a refusal (it's the only thing he'll admit to not expecting, anyway).

His expression doesn't change, but he is no longer looking directly at her. Drawing in a breath, he lets it out with a quick smile - not forced so much as resigned (maybe I should have expected that because past experiences have only ever pointed in one direction).

Easily: "I'll wait."

(wait, move on, something - he doesn't feel like thinking about much of anything at the moment)


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