Title: A Pokemon Pokemon Trainer
Author/Artist: Moi!
Summary: Attempting to win the title of Pokémon Master for a close friend Di will do anything in reach to achieve this goal, even if it means masquerading as human.
If I did something wrong please tell me, I'm new here.
The TV murmured to itself in the background, the lighted pictures flashing at varying intervals while casting eerie shadows on the back wall. The room was dim, except for the rays of sunshine peaking through the closed curtains, illuminating a child’s bedroom. A pre-adolescent girl sat on the floor, flipping through a book with lightning speed. Her eyes looked at the wall with a lazy, unfocused stare as she felt for her page. Feeling the right number, she began to read aloud to her companion, feeling out the words on the page.
“A Pokémon Champion or Pokémon League Champion is the highest known level of rank for a Pokémon Trainer. It usually refers to a Trainer who has completed a Pokémon League by collecting all the necessary badges, and either winning a regional Pokémon tournament or defeating the Elite Four and the previous Pokémon Champion (if there is one). There is usually only one Pokémon Champion per region at a time.”
She gave a dramatic sigh at the end of her reading, placing the book gingerly on the floor, and beginning a monologue she recited everyday in privacy to her best friend,
“The Pokémon Champion is the greatest trainer ever, my daddy was it for a whole year. Mommy let me feel the medal once, and that’s when I knew I wanted that medal to be mine. I want it more than anything in the entire world, except for you.”
She blushed, and looked at her Pokémon, sitting on the floor next to her with wide, expectant eyes. The creature thought for a moment, as if selecting its words. The two sat in the dim room, two small figures casting their shadows on the pink walls. Whatever wisdom the Pokémon had thought of was lost in translation when it answered,
“Di-Ditto. Ditto.”
The girl scooped up her Ditto, holding the cool smooth blob in her arms for a moment. The creature nuzzled its owner’s neck, trying to offer some comfort to the handicapped girl. She sniffled, knowing her dreams would never come true, before shouting out to her mother,
“Mommy! I wanna go downstairs!”
A woman in her late thirties hustled up the stairs, her fashionable brown hair pulled into an unwilling bun. She had slight bags under her eyes, and a dough-covered apron on over her jeans.
“Ana, you know Mommy is cooking. What is there downstairs that you need?”
The blonde child contemplated this, before answering like a true 10 year old,
“I don’t know, but I want it!”
The mother sighed, led her growing child to the stairwell and unlocked the safety gate. Holding the blind girl’s hand, the woman led her child down, step by step. Ana looked into the distance, eyes moving occasionally but never seeing. The Ditto made encouraging grunts as its owner descending into the house’s living room. Once the girl’s bare feet hit the cool tile flooring, she broke out into a huge smile. Clumsily running, clutching her Pokémon, she jumped and landed, perfectly timed, onto the large denim couch.
The girl’s Pokémon screamed in protest, hating that it had to go flying through the air with its owner to land on the couch. The child giggled, hugging the disgruntled Ditto tighter the more it protested. Despite her unfinished cake, the mother watched her daughter play with the ghost of a smile upon her lips. Then, the moment passed and the woman went back to her cooking.
“Hey, mom?”
“Yes, darling?”
Her mother answered, trying to keep the irritation of being interrupted for a second time out of her voice.
“I think I could be a Pokémon Trainer? Lots of blind people do regular things. And I could start off with Ditto, then train him to help me catch other Pokémon!”
The woman, paused in her cooking, and laid her head in her hands. One of the benefits, no matter how gruesome it sounded to have perks to a child’s handicap, of her daughter being blind was that she never had to hide her emotions. Leaning on the counter, feeling helpless and unable to help her daughter, she held back tears.
“Honey, we’ve been over this before. You can’t be a Pokémon Trainer, you can be anything else. Like a nurse, or research assistant.”
As the words left her lips she knew they were hollow and uninteresting for any child to hear, and that her daughter would continue asking to become a Pokémon trainer until she had no hope left for that dream. Ana asked that question daily, continually coming up with ways her beloved Ditto could help her in her quest.
Ana sat quietly deflated on the couch, so sure that this time her mother would say yes and that she would begin her marvelous adventure. She held the smooth Pokémon close, not crying with all her might. The Ditto looked up and nuzzled its owner some more, attempting to comfort her in any way possible.
The mother looked at the clock, startled by what she saw. Shoving the cake into the oven and setting the timer with record speed, the woman rushed to grab her purse. She yelled out to her blind daughter, unaware of her mother’s hurried actions,
“Get a jacket, we’re running late for the doctor’s appointment!”
The girl nodded, climbing off the couch gingerly, feeling out the floor and the furniture. She ran her free hand along the wall, searching for the coat rack while her Pokémon offered helpful chirps and grunts depending on how close she was. Finally, the child felt her hands clutch cool fabric and she swung the jacket on with precision that comes with not being able to see your actions. The mother ran out of her bedroom, frantically searching the contents of her purse and looked at her daughter standing by the door.
“Ana! Your shoes!”
The woman cried out, knowing she didn’t have enough time to search through her daughter’s belongings to find shoes to cover the child’s bare feet. Ana stood by quietly, trying to ponder an answer to their predicament. Her mother fished a pair of pink galoshes out of the cupboards, brandishing them like a sword.
“Slip these on, hun.”
Ana obeyed, slipping the smooth plastic over her small feet, leaning to the side as she tried to hold her pet at the same time. The Ditto slid out her grasp as she secured the last boot, hitting the floor with an injured yelp.
Ana yelled, immediately kneeing to find her injured pet on the floor. Hands extended, Ana felt out her irritated Pokémon while her mother searched for the keys. Holding the angered Ditto carefully, Ana whispered her apologies to the Pokémon while her mother hustled her out the door.
The blank walls in the office offered no interest to anyone, whether they had sight or not. Ana sat on the table, legs swinging back and forth, as the doctor talked in the adjacent room to her mother. She was to young and naïve to think that the doctor might be delivering news to her mother, they did talk privately ever visit. So Ana sat, playing quietly with her Ditto like she did every moment, regardless of her surroundings. The Pokémon played along, pretending the tackle imaginary foes as her owner battled gym leaders in her mind. The charade stopped as the door creaked open, signaling they would soon be returning home. The doctor came out of his office, following by a paler than average mother clutching her purse like a safety rope. The Doctor smiled at the ailing child, joked around a bit, and tried to ignore the knowing stares of her pet. He gave the mother a new prescription, the girl a cherry-flavored lollipop, and the Ditto a pat on the head.
The woman and her daughter walked home together in silence, to the daughter to was a comfortable silence while to the mother is was strained and full of tension. Her grip on the girl’s hand tightened as she thought of the new test results, results that proved the girl’s disease strain was different than that of her deceased father. Ana had a rare disease that first affected the sight, a genetic disorder that her father had died of shortly after impregnating her mother. So far the disease had been relatively dormant, not damaging the skinny girl any further. The doctor’s news was that the disease wouldn’t return or grow unless Ana was subject to extreme stress or physical activity.
This was a problem, Ana loved Pokémon and wanted nothing more than to be the Johto Pokémon Master, a feat her father had achieved in his youth despite his handicap. But, the new developments in her disease proved she could never achieve this.
Ana smiled as she walked, whispering to the Ditto about her ideas on battling and how they would be the greatest duo ever. The Pokémon offered agreeing grunts at required intervals, allowing Ana to carry on the conversation about her impossible dream.
Her mother looked on, the cold feeling her throat growing as she realized something that had been developing for months. She needed to get Ana away from the Ditto, so she could develop and learn there are other ways to interact with Pokémon without fighting them. The mother sighed, pushing hair out of her face as she unlocked their front door and let Ana in. She’d tried to ignore all the times she went upstairs and saw her daughter teaching her pet to fight, the moments her daughter repeating off fighting statistics, and her everyday ritual of reading the definition of a Pokémon Master from her Brail Encyclopedia. She fingered the numbers protruding from the wall telephone as she walked by, trying to recall where she placed that number. She led Ana and her pet back upstairs, feeling sick and relieved at her plan.
“Honey, don’t bother Mommy for a while. She’s got to make some calls.”
Her daughter smiled, unaware of the distress written across her beloved mother’s face, or what was about to happen to her best friend. Her mother couldn’t help but notice how the Ditto met her eyes, and seemed to understand everything. It nodded to her, wanting nothing more than the best for Ana, and nuzzled its trainer again, this time for its own comfort.
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