The rules because I should have made a post about this earlier and forgot. XD

Jun 16, 2008 14:08

~The Rules~

# Credit
a_crystals_oath  or
onlycrystalline  in the keywords for your icon or in the User Info if you take an icon or any other sort of graphic and if you don't credit, you're claiming it as your own and that just isn't cool. If you don't remember who made the icon, say 'unknown' in the keywords. Maybe someday I'll be well known enough that someone will know it's mine?

# Don't steal. If I catch you using my icons without permission, I will come to you about it. If I catch you claiming my icons as your own, I will call you out on all of the graphics journals that will allow me too. Don't like it? DON'T STEAL.

# Comment. I appreciate hearing what you think of my icons, so please comment when you take them. I'd also like to know which one's your taking. It's really just polite and satisfying my curiosity. Not to mention, who doesn't like a little ego stroking?

# No hotlinking.

# Do not edit without permission. I will smite you. Seriously.

Thanks to
dark_branwen  for the rules that I'm currently using. Go check her stuff out, she's amazing.


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