Title: Non-Abstract Love.
Fandom: Firefly/Master & Commander.
Pairing: River/Stephen.
Rating: PG at the most.
Summary: Love of an abstract is never the same as love of a real thing. Merry Xmas,
shantih! Here's hoping you like the fic you requested.
Non-Abstract Love. )
Comments 2
Lovely, and very much old-school River/Stephen, but with some of the tension that colors the most recent stuff. At one point way back when, River did tell then-Simon that she would probably be more violent if she didn't have Stephen as an outlet for such urges ... *sigh* It really all did make sense in its way!
The Simon bit also cracks me up because I'm guessing you'd have written this, or started writing it, before the most recent Simon-Stephen RP (about which current-Simon-mun noted that the next logical step would be for them simply to meet somewhere and punch one another until they both fell over).
The last paragraphs are the loveliest; and of course, HH River knows, or used to know, that Stephen actually finds it incredibly attractive that she could break his spine easily. There's an Elliott Smith line that always reminds me of them, from "Some Song": "want a violent girl / who's not scared of anything ..."
And old-school River/Stephen was lovely, you know that I had to mention it. XD I hadn't had a chance to read the newest Stephen-Simon Rps but HAH to the idea of them having a slugfest. (I actually typed 'slutfest', realized the error, and fixed it. River's slashy tendencies probably don't extend to her brother/Stephen even though that would be one hell of a way to make up).
Awwww. *pets them* That's awesome. And the line is incredibly fitting. Glad you liked your gift!
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