(no subject)

Dec 28, 2006 20:14

Continued from here.

It's not lost on me the way his knuckles turn white and a little bit of the cream-colored lotion spurts out the top. Just a bead, but a suggestive enough gesture that I can't help but imagine that's exactly what he's thinking about.

I know I am when he does things like that.

He keeps looking at me as if I'm a feast that he's looking forward to devouring, or possibly a delicacy he's not sure he should be eating should it turn out to be poisonous. It's enough for me that he's looking, really looking. Not shying away like he used to do when it would be just the two of us in the office and things felt so uncertain between us.

He's behind me before I can ask if he'd rather I did him first, and he doesn't even hesitate before spreading the lightly cool lotion across my broad shoulders. He'll be needing a lot of that if he's going to cover all of me. Two coats might even be necessary.

"That so?" I give a speculative look out to the lake rather than twisting to look back at Wes for fear of interrupting the smooth circles his hands make over the planes of my back. "I'd hate to go all weak in the knees and fall on you though." I murmur as the pace of his hands gets a little mesmerizing, making me feel too relaxed, too sleepy to be starting a swimming lesson.

Better that than a hard on the whole time though. Wouldn't that just be awkward and unproductive for swimming. I can get into the relaxing feel though. Just being touched is plenty reward enough. It's funny how much more aware I am of having been so touch deprived now that I get touched more often. And how unfortunate is it that I want to be touched all the time now. As often as humanly possible, and more often if it were humanly possible. "Feels damn good, Wes," I breath out softly and lean forward so he can get the rest of my back easier.
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