Tag information! First and foremost, the majority of my writing centers around my characters Tanim and Daren. Information on the two of them, their history, and my storytelling/writing style can be found
here. Journal entries are tagged by topic. I try to keep the number of tags low to make navigation as easy as possible for the reader. The following are tags which can be accessed using the "tags" menu on the left hand column of my journal:
Tanim / Daren: Entries involving or referencing Tanim and Daren.
Spoken - Daren: Entries written in first person from Daren's point of view.
Spoken - Tanim: Entries written in first person from Tanim's point of view.
Shakespeare's Sister: Entries referencing Shakespeare's Sister, a character who appears briefly in Virginia Woolf's book A Room of One's Own.
On Writing: Entries relating to the trials and tribulations of writing. These entries are often an incoherent pile of word vomit.
Dreams: Entries describing or referencing dreams I've had. My dreams get pretty crazy.
Solstice: Entries written on either the winter or summer solstices, referencing the Tanim and Daren solstice mythology (a description of which can be found on the afore-linked reference entry).
Other: Entries which do not fall under any other category. Other includes a lot of spiritual writing, some creative essays, "word vomit", descriptive pieces, Zelda references, and other odds and ends. It's a mish mash of stuff.
Poetry: When I am struggling to produce writing, I fall to poetry like haiku and tanka to get the creative juices flowing. The topics vary, but a good percentage are about food.
Art: Any art of Tanim and Daren drawn by others that I have posted here.
Pop Culture References: Pretty simple - entries in which I've referenced something from literature/music/cinema, etc. Some of the references are pretty obvious, but most are obscure and vague. Kudos if you catch them all!
Bad Ass Warrior Chick: I have a deep affection for cliche sword/sorcery warrior women like Red Sonja, Alanna, Khavi (from Elfquest), Impa (from Zelda), etc. So I have my own cliche warrior who wanders the frozen wastes, killing things and spurning men and in general being a Total Bad Ass.
Jonathan: A character who is sometimes Tanim's brother, other times a friend or colleague. He often acts as the voice of reason, though this often leads him to conflict with Tanim over Tanim's relationship with Daren.
So those are my journal tags. I hope they make particular entries easier to find.