Okay, this one is going to be difficult. Which one is more crazy?
Door Number One:
Encouraging halachic marriages between gay men and lesbians for the sake of "platonic love" and children? From
here. Hattip:
R. Harry Maryles
Door Number Two:
Allowing the public posting of comments from people who think that the recent earthquake in Japan took
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Comments 50
#1 is just sick. He's done 11 couples. Two are already getting divorced. That's a great track record. And let's make life "normal?" What about the children who are going to be born into these homes built 100% on sheker? Kids adopted by or born to an openly gay couple are going to have a much better chance of coming out of their childhood happy and functional than these poor kids.
Again I ask, what is the sheker? I don't see any sheker in two biological parents having and raising their child together, whether or not they live in the same house. On the other hand, if honesty is so important to you, you should be more concerned about two women putting their names on a birth certificate, raising their child to believe that he had a vial with a number on it for a father and that she's equally related to both of them (the same goes for heterosexual couples who buy gametes).
(Note that not even that is an option for gay men who aren't hugely wealthy, enough to buy eggs and a surrogate.)
Adoption (if you are honest about it- many adoptions are also built on sheker- and even if they know, adoptees are told their biological roots shouldn't matter to them and are made to feel disloyal if they do.) is a good option for some people but not for everyone.
(without having to embarass anybody) those readers/commentators leading an orthodox life, -for one's sake, for the sake of their partner of the kids- can't they just look at the mirror and realise what they put up with for that sake! is it that difficult to compare or quantify the ridiculous?
and what is more or equally preposterous? their very selves ? or the idea for gays/lesbians?
to do otherwise, would be walking out on orthodoxy, is any of above orthodox commentators willing to walk out? if not, what is so outrageous?
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