With several notable exceptions, Orthodox Jewish law has been frozen for the past 1600 years.
There is no Sanhedrin and no governing body and no one leader can take it upon himself to authorize important and needed changes. Instead, we all just cling to traditions passed down over the centuries and convice ourselves that this is authentic Judaism
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Comments 51
One can get in to whole big mess of whether halacha is truly divine law. I'm not but you can see how one could jump to that conclusion. Heck, plenty of people have jump into that line of thinking.
My thing is that people get up in arms about meaningless stuff. Denim is assur, etc... How many times have you seen Jewish people ragging on each other because they don't hold like they THINK they should? If people can't even agree to come together for the simplest of matters; there's no way a Sanhedrin could be put together let alone usher in Moshiach!
My point is that change dependent on authority is likely to be not very significant, where as change based on reinterpertation of the text is likely to be greater, but no one is willing to do it because the sanhedrin is not here. In American law, if the supreme court simply reinterprets a previous common law decision, it is less likely to lead to meaningful change than if they reinterpret a phrase in the constitution.
I don't understand why this difference is considered so critical, please explain.
(This is a point he's making through the entire book, so this is only a small part.)
(And of course numerous constitutional amendments have been passed since 1803, so Congress has had ample opportunity to overrule Marbury v. Madison, and has chosen not to.)
There have been some notable exceptions listen to this lecture for one example:
Reflections on the Authority of the Moroccan Rabbinate
Is that the will of God? A frozen system? Or does the will of God somehow change as society evolves?The system is not really frozen just other than those exceptions it evolves somewhat differently ( ... )
בָּרוּךְ אַתָּה הָ' , שׁובֵר אויְבִים וּמַכְנִיעַ זֵדִים:
Eshkol Hakofer
What does the 19th brocha of the Amida have to do with this topic?
"upon seing a self proclaimed meen, one recites birkat haminim beshem umalkhus!"
that's what!
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